Last Updated on May 22, 2023 by Freddy G. C.

Remote working is taking off all over the world for a variety of organizations, as it allows employees more flexibility and is a cost-effective option for employers.

The trend has spread to marketing, and by hiring a team of remote marketers, you could get high-quality results without needing to invest nearly as much as you would if you hired and trained in-house employees.

Even with a small marketing team, scaling your marketing strategies the right way can result in a major impact.

Communicate Effectively

There are two primary issues that make remote working more difficult – miscommunication and isolation.

When you’re not communicating with an employee in person, it’s easier for him to get confused or not understand instructions completely.

It’s also easy for an employee who is working remotely to feel cut off from the rest of the team or not know what’s going on.

You can solve both of these issues with effective communication.

Make sure that you are in contact with your marketing team members every work day.

Set up instant messaging group chats every morning with the marketing team to see what they’re doing and their goals for that day.

At the end of the week, hold a round up to see what everyone accomplished.

This is a great time to go over results, including what worked well and where there’s room for improvement.

Technology provides plenty of ways to keep in contact with your marketing team.

Collaboration apps work well for team tasks, as participants can leave comments on tasks and approve certain aspects of it. You should also set up a chat room dedicated to brainstorming ideas.

Plan and Schedule

When it comes to content marketing, quality is far more important than quantity, but you still need to publish content consistently. To ensure that there aren’t any lengthy gaps between posts, make a posting schedule.

To get the most out of your marketing team, you want them to use their creativity, so it’s a waste to have them working on tedious tasks.

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Automate as many tasks as you can, including social media posts, email marketing, and CRM data entry.

For example, you can use a social media content management tool to create a queue for all your posts, which will then go out at the scheduled time you set.

By automating tasks like this, you save quite a bit of time. Your marketing team can focus on creating the content, and then send it to you to get it loaded into the queue.

Track Performance

One of the biggest worries managers have when they set up a remote team is whether team members are going to be as productive.

After all, not every employee is self-motivated, and when they’re all be themselves working from home or somewhere else, who’s to say that they’re actually working and not just watching TV?

This is why you need to regularly take a look at your remote team’s results. You can do this at those end-of-the-week meetings. Check what tasks each team member handled and the results. An easy way to track your marketing efforts is by using a spreadsheet.

You can do this at those end-of-the-week meetings. Check what tasks each team member handled and the results. An easy way to track your marketing efforts is by using a spreadsheet.

When you have meetings like this, it makes your marketing team feel more connected to the rest of the organization, and it shows them that they need to be productive even though they’re not in the office. You don’t want your employees to feel like you’re micromanaging them, but they do need to realize that you expect results.

You don’t want your employees to feel like you’re micromanaging them, but they do need to realize that you expect results.

Use the Right Tools

There are all kinds of collaboration tools available to help you manage your remote team. To get the best results, you need to choose the right tools.

Here are a few of the top tools to consider:

Slack is a team messaging tool. You can set up public and private channels for team chats, direct message team members, and share files.

Trello and Basecamp are two of the top project management tools. Trello uses lists, boards, and cards for an aesthetically pleasing organizational system. Basecamp allows you to share items throughout the company, with a specific team, or for a certain project.

Sproutsocial and Hootsuite are social media management tools. Sproutsocial allows you to publish messages to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google Plus. It has analytics and shows you engagement opportunities. Hootsuite provides one dashboard where you can manage all your social media accounts, saving you considerable time.

Float is a scheduling application. You can add every team member to the application, and then assign tasks to specific team members with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface.

Google Drive and Dropbox are two of the most popular file storage options. Google Docs is an excellent choice for collaboration because all the changes are made to one file, so your team doesn’t need to email files back and forth.

It takes time getting your remote marketing team set up, but it is well worth it.

Once you’ve chosen the tools that your team is going to use, it’s all a matter of effective communication, planning a content schedule in advance, and keeping track of every team member’s performance.

In the early stages, there could be some trial and error involved. With a little assistance from the right technology, you’ll have your entire remote team working as one seamless, well-oiled machine.

4 Tips On How to Manage Your Remote Marketing Team

4 Tips On How to Manage Your Remote Marketing Team by

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