Last Updated on July 27, 2024 by Freddy G. C.
The foundations of a successful website is built upon the creation of helpful, informative, and well-researched content that caters to your target audience.
By publishing a constant stream of quality content, you will be able to generate highly targeted traffic from different online channels (SEO, social media, newsletters, etc.), thus increasing your conversion rate.
However, content creation can be a problem for website owners who are not writers to begin with.
They may be confident in coming up with a content strategy, but not as confident when it comes to putting their thoughts and ideas to writing.
Developing their writing and publishing skills will take time and delay the progress of their websites towards success.
Instead of learning to write, you can just automate the process of content creation.
This way, you leave the writing to the experts and focus on planning and developing plans for your website.
Below are tips and advice on how you can do this.
1 – Establish a style guide
Since you won’t be writing the posts on your website, it’s best to set up house rules that your writers must follow to create content that your audience will love.
Consider the following criteria to include in your editorial guidelines:
- Tone of voice – Do you want the articles to sound conversational as if they’re talking to a friend, or do you want the articles to sound formal, similar to people talking in a business meeting?
- Formatting – What words should the writers bold, italicized, or underline? How many sentences in a paragraph would you suggest?How many headings would you encourage to be placed in every post? Should the writers research for images to be included and how many?
- SEO – Will the writers research the keywords to be used in every article or will you provide these to them? Should they include the keyword in the title and meta data of the post?
Make sure that all of the points you include in the guideline are relevant in helping you reach your target audience more effectively.
2 – Create content calendar for the year
Developing an editorial calendar will help you determine the posts you will be publishing on your website over a period of time.
The calendar will include:
- the title of the post
- the keyword that the article will optimize for
- the outline of points that you want to see discussed in the post, and
- the date of publication.
For this, you may need to plan ahead and spread your posts throughout every quarter.
Hold on there!
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This way, you can simply keep throwing the post assignments to your writers so you can focus on observing the performance of each post, which will help you develop the next editorial calendar for next quarter (more on this later).
3 – Hire someone to write for you
Once you have a content creation plan in place, you can start building a pool of writers who will help turn your plans into reality.
When searching for writers who will help you whip up your post ideas, consider the following:
- Sample work – How accomplished is the writer you’re planning to hire? Has the person been constantly publishing posts and content at his/her own blog or at different websites? Is his/her experience fit to the needs of your plan?
- Professionalism – Can this person deliver on time? If s/he can’t, will he/she inform you ahead of time? Does the writer keep complaining about the projects s/he’s receiving from you or does s/he respond at all via email or chat?
Using the points above as guidelines, check out the more popular writing job sites (Fiverr, Elance,Upwork) to scour the pool of writers to choose from.
If you have tried out these sites and are unimpressed with the writers there, you can try out different writing services as reviewed in the Omnipapers blog.
It describes the different essay writing services available, all of which also provide blog and website content aside from academic papers.
4 – Review their works using online tools
If the writers sent over the posts to you for review, use different online tools to check their writers for errors.
Below are some of the best ones yet:
- Hemingway – This tool lets you spot sentences that are difficult to understand and adverbs from the article.You can then follow the suggestions by having the writer rewrite the sentences and remove the adverb to make the post much easier to read.
- Grammarly – This handy app spots grammatical errors, misspelled words, misworded sentences and phrases, and others to help tighten the composition of the article.
- Unplag This has a handy Plagiarism Checker feature to determine whether the post was copied from another source.
If the article has been spotted with lots of errors, return it to the writer and have him/her revise it.
If the mistakes are minor and it generally passed through the screening with flying colors, then it’s time to publish the post.
5 – Analyze content performance and make suggestions
After the post has been published over a period of time, you can refer to the Google Analytics data and see how many visitors it received and which channels referred the most traffic to the post.
You can also check out the time spent on the page, as well as the bounce rate.
Using these metrics to measure your post’s performance lets you see the areas in your post that need improvement and which ones you should continue doing on your next editorial calendar.
Relay your findings to your writers so they will have a better understanding on what you want to achieve for their articles.
Final thoughts
By establish a content creation process that relies on writers doing the dirty work for you, following the tips above, you will be able to have more time focusing on things you’re more passionate about such as researching and gathering data and using your findings to lay out your plan for success.
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Hey Christopher and Freddy,
Great post here. I’m one that wasn’t a great writer when I first started blogging and it took me years and years for me to be where I’m at today. But this would’ve helped me in the past when I first was getting started and I’m sure that there are a lot of others that are like me. This is a smart way of getting the information out there. You come up with a plan and hire someone else to write it so you can focus on other things!
Thanks for the share and you have a great weekend!
I found your post on under the category of Content Marketing
Hey Sherman!
Well, sometimes learning from trial and error is the best way to learn! lol
You now have a lot more experience man! ;)
But yeah, this information is very helpful for those who are new to the blogging world. Christopher shared some good points here!
Thanks for passing by and leaving a comment man!
Have a great weekend!
Cheers! :D
Thanks for the comment, Sherman!
Come to think of it, there’s a great resource out there for bloggers and site owners who don’t consider themselves as good writers. It’s a post by Ana Hoffman by Traffic Generation Cafe. Here’s the link to her article – She details how she overcame her doubt in her abilities and let her knowledge about the subject shine through. I think this is a good supplementary reading to what I featured in the post above.
Hi Bro,
Excellent Post it is very helpful for me. nice guide line keep up it.
Hi Bilal!
I’m glad this information was valuable to you!
Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment!
Have a great weekend!
CHeers! :D
Hi Christopher and Freddy, I like the idea of a style guide, something I am working on to make it easier going forward.
I like using the JSSpell checker for my proofing. It’s free, simple and easy to use.
I’ve yet to start an editorial calendar but am trying to post every Monday at the least.
Thanks for sharing some great suggestions here as it’s not easy always generating new content.
Hi Lisa!
Awesome! :)
Setting the writing style for your blog is important. That means you are taking care of your audience! ;)
Thanks for passing by and leaving a comment!
Have a great week!
Cheers! :D
Thanks, Lisa!
Posting at least every Monday on a consistent basis is good practice to maximize traffic to your site, I believe. As explained in the post above, having an editorial guideline lets you plot out and schedule your posts in advance so you can focuse on creating the best content possible on your blog.
Hi Freddy,
Content creation should always be planned and using the services of writers can help the process work effectively. Its important that rules are truly established for the writers so they the right content and context is covered to lure in the customers.
However, whatever system is put in place for auto-content creation, it becomes important that the readers must takeaway great value with every single word, sentence, paragraph or post.
I agree with @Don Purdum that content also include audio, video and other forms of sharing information! Yes, you are right, text is the easiest thing to outsource because other formats may need some bit of technicality!
I left the above comment in where this post was found.
Hi Sunday!
I agree with you. Content creation and automating it – has to be done right, correctly.
We must take the time to do things right, of course.
We must take good care of our audience, by taking good care of the things we share with them! :)
And yess, text is the easiest thing to outsource online!
Thanks for your comment man!
Have a great week!
Cheers! :D
Hi Freddy,
Always good to pick up new tips and I did on your post and on your blog generally. You have some great stuff there my friend!
I have never thought of outsourcing as I believe the personal touch would be lost. However it is something I may look into in future as the job is very time consuming as we know.
I find videos cut the time down and folks like them so I tend to stick with that medium but its always good to expand the tools one uses I guess.
Unlike you and Don I have yet to try podcasts… maybe one day eh?
Like Metz I am familiar with Grammerly but not Hemmingway or Unplag so I’ll be looking into those as time permits.
Thanks for a thought provoking share.
Cheers :-)
I also shared this on Kingged
Hi Ed!
I’m glad you are learning good value on my blog!
That is always great to hear for sure!
And yeah I do agree with you – that when you outsource articles, the personal touch might get lost. But you know what I have actually learned from top bloggers online – that they find very good writers and teach them how to sound like them. Of course, they pay a lot more per article! lol
That is one of the “secrets” I have learned from the very successful bloggers online. ;)
Videos are a great way to share content fast! .. I love videos as well as audio!
Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment man!
Have a great rest of the week!
Cheers! :D
Hi dear,
Very helpful setps to manage your content and post create processes.
Thanks for Sharing.
Hi Aamna!
I’m glad you found this valuable!! …
Don’t forget to take action with everything you learn here!
Have a great week! :D
Hi Dear,
Its Very helpful the steps to manage your content and post create processes.
I find videos cut the time down and folks like them so I tend to stick with that medium but its always good to expand the tools one uses because they expand with time.
Good post
Thanks for sharing!!
Hi Rafia!
Videos are a great way to share content, thats for sure!! :)
Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment!
Have a great week!
Content researching is the fact on optimizing process. Without content research it is impossible to getting success on the online market. All the active bloggers and writers are like to do content research for their own blog. You all know that research is another way to learn. I learn lots of thing on this great post and I am gonna following this.
Hi Abdul!
I’m glad you are learning here!
Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment!
Have a great week! :D
Hi admin
very nicely done
i like it too much
i don’t know before reading your posting
keep it up
Thank you for sharing
Hey ijIjaz!
I’m glad you found this post and information helpful!
Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment!
Have a great week! :D
Great Post and Yes Hiring Some Great Writers and Making Calander for 6 month or year is Great way to Run a Blog on auto pilot.
Hi Raza!!
I agree with you! … having a few blog posts ready in advance, is a smart move! ;)
Thank you for coming by and leaving a comment!
Have a great rest of the week! :D