Last Updated on September 13, 2023 by Freddy G. C.
Learn 8 ways to increase the traffic to your blog online! ..
This is the type of information that will be very valuable to a newbie in the blogging world.
If you are someone new to blogging online, this stuff will be really helpful! :)
If you are looking to Increase Blog Traffic – check out these internet marketing tips!
There are many ways to increase blog traffic, and I’m going to share with you some of the most effective methods, in this post – so sit back, take out a pen¬ebook, and get ready to learn the best ways to increase blog traffic here. It will be a long post btw… .. :)
Increasing your website’s traffic is not a challenge and anyone can do it! ..
…..all it really takes is MASSIVE ACTION!
The more you do, what I’m about to share in here, the more blog traffic you will be able to generate, and the more leads you will be able to get.
A successful blog online can generate leads for you, on autopilot, if you set everything up correctly and take the right massive action. If you do everything right, and you are consistent enough, then you will be able to earn a passive income online, thanks to your blog.
One thing I want to make very clear before you continue reading this, -is that no matter how good you learn these ways to increase blog traffic, if you are not CONSISTENT with the process, –> you will not get the results you are looking for. Plain and simple!
One of the best, and most common ways to increase blog traffic, is by publishing original and valuable content on a regular basis. The more valuable & unique your content is, the more shares and comments you will be able to get. And that alone can already help your content get better rankings in the search engines.
All that would not be possible without the right amount of Traffic to the Blog Post. You see, all of the content you create will not matter until you get a massive amount of people reading it and checking the blog post out.
The quality of your blog post is as important as the marketing you do for that quality content. They can’t really work without each other. :D
So be ready to write a lot and market a lot.
It all comes down to a process. You can’t really expect “fast” results with a blog online, but in the long-run, a blog will be the best investment you will ever make.
A successful blog online can become a very valuable asset. -If you take the time to learn exactly what a successful blog can do for your business, you’ll be amazed! :o
Hold on there!
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Now, let’s get down to business…..
Learn The Best Ways to Increase Blog Traffic!
8 Ways to Increase Blog Traffic:
Way to increase blog traffic #1 – SEO
(search engine optimization)
If you do not know what SEO is or what it even means, then maybe you should try learning about it first, before you read this. (you can learn more about SEO here)
There are Two Parts to getting good organic traffic from the Search Engines.
First Part is the On-Page SEO
If you want to get free, organic traffic from the search engines, then you should learn everything about SEO, and always do a keyword research before you create a blog post.
I’m going to assume you already know the basics of search engine optimization. To refresh your mind, here is the list of the On-Page Search Engine Optimization you should follow when you are writing a blog post for the search engines…..
- Your keyword needs to be in headings – H1, H2 and H3.
- Use your keyword in the Title.
- Use your keyword in the first sentence and in the last sentence of your article.
- Make sure your keyword is in the URL.
- Make sure you Underline, Bold, and Italicized your keyword. That means you need one keyword in bold / one keyword underlined / and a keyword italicized.
- Make 2 – 3 of your keywords in the article “- click-able”. Basically you will need at least 1 link throughout your post, with your keyword in it.
- Your keyword density should be about 3% – 7%. A good rule of thumb would be to use your keyword every 100 words.
- Put your keyword in Alt Tags -for the images. – You need to upload an image on your post and put your keyword in the ALT & Title Description of the image.
- Make sure your keyword is in the MetaTags Title and Description of the page.
These are just the basics of on-page search engine optimization. By doing this, you are basically telling the search engine spiders that crawl your site what your post is about and what keywords people should find the content by.
If you are not really able to fit your keyword in the post you want to write, do not stress too much about it and just do your best. Try to never write a sentence that does not really make sense, all because you just wanted to fit the keyword in there.
Keep it 50/50!
Yes, it is important to optimize your blog posts for the search engines. But you also need to think about your Readers, and make sure you are not stuffing your keywords too much and you are publishing non-sense articles.
Keep your content search engine friendly AND user-friendly!
Use the free Google Keyword Tool or another keyword tool you might use, and do a quick keyword research on whatever it is you want to write your blog post about.
Make sure to pick a low-competition keyword with a decent amount of monthly searches. :)
Once you have picked the keyword you want to use in your post – it is time to do On-Page SEO. Just follow the information above.
When you are done with your blog post – it is time to publish it and promote it like a maniac! LOL
Second Part is Off-Page SEO AND Massive Marketing
The next step would be sharing your blog post url in as many places as possible! – This is where the other ways to increase blog traffic comes in handy!
The off-page SEO includes the backlinks and the social engagement about your post. Getting the backlinks is not hard, you just need to learn how to get one and multiply that by doing more.
Don’t over-complicate what a backlink is. Is just a link back to your blog post from a relevant website. Knowing this, you can now go and find simple ways to get different backlinks from different websites online.
You can get backlinks from:
- Web 2.0 Sites
- Article Directory Sites
- Social Bookmarks
- Other Blogs
You can also outsource this part of the SEO process. You can buy backlinks from or hire a Virtual Assistant from to help you out with this.
Or you can take a little bit of time to do this yourself – until you have enough money to invest on outsourcing.
To learn more on SEO – go here. This is enough information on SEO to help you get some free traffic online. ;)
Way to increase blog traffic #2 – Social Networks
Social Networks are always full of people!
You can promote your blog and your blog post all over the social networks.
You just need to know how to get your Blog’s Content in front of them!
There are tools that can help you do this – you can use OnlyWire and TribePro to have your blog post be shared in thousands of social networks in a matter of minutes. You can get a lot of new readers if your content is good enough or is something they have been looking for.
You can also share your post to the social networks you use anyways – manually. Just go and interact with people on Facebook Groups and then share your blog’s content with them – if they like and enjoyed what you wrote then they might share it in their social networks and that would drive more traffic to your post.
Every time you publish a blog post – SHARE IT!!
Way to increase blog traffic #3 – eMail Marketing
Do you have a list? – are you even building a list?
If you are not, then I highly recommend you to start right away!
Collecting the emails of people that come visit your site and are interested in certain type of information is very very IMPORTANT!
– If you are not connecting with the people that come to your blog then you are missing out on a lot of more traffic to your blog.
Every time you publish a new blog post, email it to your list!
If you are building a list – you know how important it is to build a relationship with your readers.
– So what you can do is provide your list with valuable content through your blog posts and then they will help you rank better in the search engines because they will visit, share, and comment on your blog post. :D
Way to increase blog traffic #4 – Guest Blogging
Do you know how many people create a new blog online every day?
The statistics say that about every half a second – there is a new blog being born online.
– This means that blogs are created daily and there are thousands of web-blogs where you can go and write a guest blog post with a link back to your blog post. You just need to learn how to find them.
This strategy will help you get tons of traffic to your blog posts and it is one of the best ways to increase blog traffic today. It is because there are millions of blogs online so you can start guest posting right away!
You can find blog owners in the Social Networks – especially Blogging Community Sites!
All you need to do is look for people who are active bloggers and wouldn’t mind to connect with another blogger like yourself.
Once you build a relationship with them – do not hesitate to ask them if you can write a valuable blog post on their blog. If they say no, just move onto the next one, do not get crushed! come one! – there are millions of blog owners out there.
Look for at least two other blog owners that will let you write a good valuable blog post with a backlink to your post on their blogs. Do this every time you publish a new blog post – you will be amazed by how much traffic you can get to your post doing this!
Way to increase blog traffic #5 – Blog Commenting
How often do you leave comments on a page you come across online?
Commenting on other people’s blog posts is a great way to gain exposure for yourself and your blog.
If you only leave valuable comments, people will start to take a look at what you have to offer and soon become your new follower if they like your stuff.
Once you publish your post -go and find other web-blogs related to your content and leave a nice comment with a backlink to your post. It is really important you do no just leave your link – leave a nice and valuable comment, and engage with the other commentators.
You want to make sure the blog is relevant to your blog. Don’t get backlinks from irrelevant blogs, that can hurt your blog in the search engine rankings.
Just take a time to find relevant blog posts, most likely WordPress Blogs, and leave a nice valuable comment with a link back to your blog or blog post.
Way to increase blog traffic #6 – Article Directories
Do you use article directories to promote your site and brand yourself?
If you are not sharing content in article directories then you are missing out on traffic and backlinks.
There are thousands of article directories out there and a lot of them get good traffic.
A lot of people come to these article directories to find information before they even think of using a search engine like
All of these article directories have their own search engines and people can come into the article directory site and type in what they are looking for. So if you have a lot of articles in these article directories, imagine what are the chances of people reading your content?
Every time you publish a new blog post – you should also write a couple of short unique articles you can distribute to these article directories and make sure you link back to your main blog post.
This will help you get backlinks for SEO and also some traffic from the article directory site alone.
You can also outsource this process. You can pay a Virtual Assistant from – to write unique articles and submit them in different article directory sites.
Way to increase blog traffic #7 – Forum Marketing
Using forums for traffic is a subject not too many people talk about or teach but it is still one of the ways to increase blog traffic and if you are not using this method – you can start today!
There are thousands of forums out there and millions of people are talking in them 24/7!
Just like with the Social Networks!
Use to find forums related to your posts, interact with people, make connections and share your links with them. Don’t just share links, share valuable information and let people know that you are there to help not to sell.
Join as many forums as you can and start creating conversations and create curiosity in people – why should they get to know you and be your friend?
The more friends you make, the more people you can have reading your blog posts!
You just need to become an expert in your niche and really lead with value. Learn more about Forum Marketing and make it just one more traffic source for your blog.
Way to increase blog traffic #8 – Video Marketing
Do you use Youtube or Vimeo to upload your own videos or to simply look for videos?
This is another way you can get new visitors to your post!
Try recording a quick video talking about your blog post and tell people to visit your link.
If you do this with every blog post you write – can you imagine how much traffic you can get daily? ..after doing it for a while.
Once you are done writing your blog post – it is time you pull the camera out – freshen up a bit and start rambling and talking about your blog post’s subject! .. or you can also do a simple screenshot ;)
This will brand your name and your blog like no other – people will start to get to know you better thanks to these videos and they are most likely to read you next blog post thanks to these videos.
Video marketing is one of the best ways to increase blog traffic and you need to start doing it NOW!!
I can continue on with more ways to increase blog traffic and help you generate leads from your blogs but this post will be way too long – PLUS I have already shared with you the best ways to increase blog traffic right away if you really wanted to!
If you do all of the above for every blog post you write, and you do it daily – in 90 days or so you will have built a successful blog online that can generate you money on autopilot.
You just need to get a massive amount of the right traffic, sell the right products, and most importantly build the right website to make all of this happen.
Now, once you start getting traffic to your site, the next thing to do would be to convert that traffic into leads then into sales.
Your website will need to convert that traffic into leads and then into sales – if you can’t do this, then no matter how much traffic you get – you won’t see good results and that might lead you to start thinking about quitting this business.
That is why is really important you have the right tools before you start getting a lot of traffic online.
Alright … this is already good enough information to help you increase the traffic to your blog online.
Take MASSIVE ACTION with everything you have learned today!
What do you think?!
do you have any more tips to add in here? ….leave your thoughts in a comment below. :)
Thanks for reading!
Don’t forget to Share! ;)
I wish you the best success ever!!
8 Powerful Ways to Increase Blog Traffic! by Freddy G. C.
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Hi Freddy,
This is an important post to newbies!
Of course even for a professional or
a veteran too can pick up some vital
lessons from this page.
Thank you so much for explaining
all the points in a well arranged way.
And the connected links given are
very educative ones especially
the one on SEO speaks volumes!!
I am sure this is a very useful post
for who wants to start a blog :-)
Keep it up
Keep sharing
PS: Hey Freddy, I found this valuable post at and I kingged it and posted this comment there.
Thanks ones again for sharing this informative and educative piece to your readers. Keep up the good work. :-)
Hey Philip!
Thanks for passing by and for leaving a great comment!
I’m glad this information is helpful and that it helps the newbies online! :)
Thats the plan!
I wish you the best success man!!
Cheers! :D
Great list, I have always found blog commenting to be very valuable, it’s a way of creating lasting relationship with fellow bloggers, only time can tell where that kind of relationship might lead to. Thanks for sharing this insightful post. Shared it on twitter too.
Hi Augustus!
Thanks for passing by and leaving an interesting comment!
Blog commenting is a great way to gain some exposure for your blog online! … no doubt!
Thanks for your support online!
I wish you the best success online man!
Cheers! :D
Hey Freddy Gandarilla
First time I visited your blog and glanced a few posts here. It is wonderful and does have lot of value for blogging communities.
You well mentioned eight ways to increase blog traffic. All are test ones and must bring results if one do them properly with consistency.
Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful post that is a guiding beacon for those who want to boost their blog traffic.
Hi Muba!
Thanks for passing by and leaving an awesome comment!
I’m glad this information and blog is really helpful to the community out there!
I wish you the best success online!
Cheers! :D
This is the proof of my like to your blog that on very first day of week I came here again to just check any new post. I am not aware of your posting schedule but will get to know as soon as you post it. Have a great week.
Hey Mi Muba! ..
I appreciate your Visit and your comment here! ;)
I try to publish new content weekly – don’t really have a settled schedule right now but I will soon.
I have two other blogs Im working on as well – but I’m glad you are liking this internet marketing blog here :D
I wish you the best of the best man!!
CHeers! :D
Traffic is one of the elements of blog that marketers desire to get much. It is simply because traffic generates leads, which is a way for you to earn money online.
Though there are a lot of ways to increase your blog traffic, it is much better to pick the best and most effective ways to drive more genuine traffic to your blog.
As what I’ve read here, you can effectively increase your blog traffic through SEO, social networks, email marketing, guest blogging, blog commenting, article marketing, forum marketing and video marketing.
Well, I must agree that these strategies given are true and proven effective. But of course, you shouldn’t forget that all of these would fail if not done right. So, ensure that you’re doing these strategies with the right approach.
Thanks for this epic post. :)
By the way, I found this post shared on
Thanks for passing by and leaving a valuable comment Ann!!
what an awesome comment! ;)
I wish you the best!
Cheers! :D
All the tips you mentioned are best in their own way. It works differently for every blogger. Shoemoney tends to profit from social websites traffic, while many other uses forum trust to drive in massive traffic.
For me social websites and commenting have proved to be very effective. One will definitely get the exposure if one uses the tools and work really hard upon it.
SEO is basic check, or in long run a blog will fail.
Great article, I found this on kingged.
Hey Rohan!
Thanks for passing by and leaving a comment here!
Everyone will find what they are best on and run all the way with it.
Im not saying that you need to implement all 8 ways but if you do then you can get a lot of great results online. It all comes down to what type of results you want to get and how fast you want to get them.
The information to make it happen is already here, now it is up to how much massive action you take with it.
Anyways….. I wish you the best success online!
Cheers! :D
Hi Freddy,
Nice article on increasing blog traffic i must say. Thanks for sharing these tips with your readers :)
Hey Babs!
Thanks for passing by and leaving a comment!!
I wish you the best of the best!
Cheers! :D
Great Post Buddy … will help newbie bloggers like me to increase their blog traffic & raise their blog N alexa rank.
Looking forward to apply your strategies on my blog .Thanks for the awesome & useful post :)
I found this post at the Internet Marketing Social Network and I kingged it and posted this comment.
hey Jayraj!
Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment! …
I’m happy this information is useful and helpful to new bloggers online!
I wish you the best success!
Cheers! :D
Hello Freddy,
These tips will be handy for newbies and for veteran bloggers as well. It’s always good to go over what you already know so that yo can improve on it. I think an even more important factor is to stay consistent. You have to keep doing it over and over again. That’s why many people just don’t hold up. Thanks for sharing this with us!
I found this blog post on and Kiinged it!
Hey Maketta!!
Glad to see you around here!! ..
thanks for a cool comment!
Consistent IS Key to success as a Blogger Online – for sure!
I wish you the best!
Cheers! :D
It all boils down to marketing, doesn’t it Freddy? Social media marketing, search marketing, email marketing and other forms on content marketing such as the mentioned forum, blog and video marketing. We start with creating content but nothing happens until the marketing takes off. Nice post. :)
hey Brian!!
You’ve got it! :)
Like some people say; “blogging” itself is not really what will make you the money online, the promotion of it is… ;)
Thanks for passing by and leaving a comment Brian, I appreciate it.
I love your Blog too and got some great value out of it!
I like the way you use Audio a lot! great way to go man!
Keep up the great work! :D
I wish you the best success online!
Nice Post . If we do promote our website through Social Media in right way, then we will definitely achieve better rankings in SERP. Creating and distributing a press release can still send some traffic to your website, especially if you have something new in your segment.
I found this blog post on .
Hey Minakshi!
Thanks for passing by and leaving a comment!
I agree with you there! ;)
I wish you the best success online!
Cheers! :D
Freddy, You have an awesome blog with great content.
I’m using your blog as a guide to continue building mine.
I’ve had a blog for years but have found it difficult to write consistently.
Plus, I got disappointed when I didn’t see any results from my efforts.
What kind of tracking would you recommend?
Hey Edwin!
Thanks for coming by and for your comment! :)
I had the same problem as well man. I just forced myself to write daily and read daily to learn something new daily. Doing all that for a long time just made it easier and easier to do it.
It’s all about practicing and learning new knowledge very consistently. The moment you don’t really know what to write about anymore, is the moment you don’t have more new knowledge in your life. To help you with that, you know what to do, keep learning new things.
A great tip to keep you going blogging online is to set measurable goals. That way you still get the feel of accomplishment. Even if is a small accomplishment. The feeling alone will help you keep a positive attitude.
If you are using a WordPress Blog Site, I would recommend using the Jetpack Plugin Statistics. And you should also use the Free Google Analytic Tools to track everything that is going on with the traffic to your blog.
To track your Links in a WordPress Blog Site, I would use the Pretty Link Plugin.
I hope these tips help you Edwin!
I wish you the best success!
Cheers! :D