Last Updated on February 22, 2024 by Freddy G. C.

Generating leads very consistently is the most important part of building a successful network marketing team.

Get ready for a massive blog post today – as we’re going to go over 60 ways to generate network marketing leads, online and offline.

I know how it is to struggle to try to get leads very consistently, for your network marketing opportunity. I have been there before.

We all start from scratch here. So, I know how it is to be a complete newbie in this industry. And today, I am going to help you out.

Before we get started, with this massive list, let me talk to you a little bit about my experiences in this industry, and also about the tools you must have, to help you generate leads for your network marketing opportunity.

A lot of network marketing companies today, are very sophisticated. They do a lot of internet marketing and offer you a lot of powerful tools to help you generate leads through the internet. (more on this soon)

When I first started working online, and before even knowing what network marketing was, I learned all about blogging and internet marketing.

I started online as a blogger and affiliate marketer. I didn’t know anything about network marketing.

About a year and a half later, I learned about network marketing, and thought it was so freaking awesome!!

So, since I was already learning how to generate traffic online, I never marketed my network marketing opportunities offline.

I built my teams all through the internet.

I’m mentioning this to you because I know there are a lot of “old school” network marketers who are very new to this whole online/internet marketing thing – and they might not teach you all of the ways to generate network marketing leads.

Let me tell you, internet marketing works. 

And it works very well, but it takes a lot of time and effort. It is not a fast way to recruit people (unless you have thousands of dollars to play with).

What can work a bit faster, though, would be offline marketing. (this is where an old school network marketer is smiling right now because he/she knows exactly what I’m talking about … haha)

Hold on there!
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But, offline marketing is not for everyone. 

It was not for me, at all. I hated the idea of prospecting and talking on the phone, trying to convince people.

I don’t really like confrontation, and much less convincing. That is just not me!

I would rather work hard online, and generate traffic and leads that way. 

Than prospect offline, and chase after people.

Now, you can still use offline marketing methods to drive traffic, and generate leads. You just have to do it right.

The Tools You Need

You need to generate a lot of leads. Very consistently!

And when we are talking about Leads, this means Email Marketing.

You must start building your email list. In other words, start building your email database of potential customers for your network marketing opportunity.

Here are the lead generation tools you will need:

  • Lead Magnets
  • High Converting Landing and Capture Pages
  • Auto-Responder Software (recommended: aweber or getresponse)

To see more email marketing tools, go to the tools section here.

This is what you need for the new school network marketing!

The people, who were building network marketing teams some years ago, might not have a good idea of what this is all about.

Their lead capture page was probably their home meetings! LOL … (no offense) … :)

The Lead Magnet

This is something you are giving away, for free, in exchange for someone’s contact information.

You want to capture a potential customer’s contact information.

And the best way to do it is by giving them something very valuable in exchange for that information.

Which is pretty much their email address, and/or phone number (if you plan on selling them through the phone).

If you are in a network marketing opportunity that offers digital products, they usually will provide you with good lead magnets you can give away.

If they do not provide you with lead magnets, then create one yourself. It is not difficult. Just do some good research, invest in your knowledge (related to your niche), and create a free report or product to give away.

You can learn how to create .PDF Files here.

High Converting Landing and Capture Pages

Using a high-converting capture page and landing page is very important to benefit the most from the traffic you drive to them.

These are the pages where you are offering the lead magnet in exchange for specific information.

Usually, the network marketing company will provide you with such pages online. If they do not provide you with these types of pages, don’t worry, they are not hard to create.

Learn how to create your simple capture and landing pages here.

Auto-Responder Software

As you are driving traffic, and capturing emails, you need to be building a good relationship with your potential team members.

A great way to do it is by sending daily emails with a lot of valuable information in them. This is where you will need email marketing software like Aweber.

I would recommend you email your list at least twice a day, every day. Of course, you can take short breaks from time to time.

Legendary Marketer by David Sharpe - Frequently Asked Questions

There is no exact number to how many times you should be emailing your list daily and weekly. You need to experiment for yourself and learn what works best with your audience.

Truly care about connecting and helping the people in your email list.

Lead with value, and not with a sale’s pitch.

If all you do is send a sale’s pitch, and things like “how amazing your network marketing deal is”, instead of sharing real valuable knowledge, your conversion rate will go to the floor.

In other words ….. people will stop opening your emails and clicking on your links, eventually.

You have to become a person of true value. 

And truly want to help the prospects accomplish their goals in their life.

Remember; the money is not just in the list – the money is in the RELATIONSHIP you build with the list!!

When it comes to email marketing, it is all about QUALITY, not quantity. Never forget that!

Once you have all of these lead generation tools in place, and ready to go, it is time to learn how to drive massive amounts of traffic to your capture pages, daily.

This is where this massive list will help you!

Grab some snacks because this is going to be a long post ….. :D

60 Ways to Generate Network Marketing Leads Online and Offline

Generate Network Marketing Leads Online


1 – Search Engine Optimization

This is the art of getting free organic traffic online.

There are millions of people using search engines to look for specific information. Just imagine if a few thousand found your website this way!

I know SEO can become something a little too complicated to understand and learn (for some newbies online), but the truth is that you are the only one who complicates things here. I gotta keep it real with you!

SEO is not rocket science, and you can learn all about it fast. Just check out the SEO section here.

2 – Build a Niche Website/Blog Site

Niche blogging is a great way to get free targeted traffic to your websites online. It is also a great way to build up free organic traffic from search engines.

This will help you get targeted traffic, which will result in targeted leads. 

You just need to learn all about niche blogging, and how to make it a successful one online.

The great thing about niche blogging is that you can get very specific, and that will result in very targeted traffic. The more specific you are with the content you share, the more targeted your traffic will be.

Let me give you a simple example;

Let’s say you are selling a weight loss product with a multi-level compensation plan attached to it – you can blog about weight loss tips, solve people’s problems in that niche, and also offer them a way to earn extra money every month by selling the same products.

Do you see the potential of a niche blog now?!!

3 – Personal Blog

I highly recommend you invest in building your blog online. This will help you tremendously in the long run.

If you do not have your blog online, you are homeless online. Sorry, that is just how it is around here! ;)

Your blog online is pretty much like your own 24/7 store. 

It is open all the time, people can come by, look around, opt-in to some of your offers, and perhaps buy!

Do you see what I mean?

This is why I love blogging, and I’m always encouraging people online to build their own. It pays off big time in the long run.

Having your blog will also help you brand yourself better. 

And that will help you have more authority in front of others.

It will also help you when you are implementing attraction marketing strategies. You just have more authority in front of people, when they see what type of value you bring to the table, through your blog.

When you are building your blog online, make sure you take the time to monetize it very well.

You want to capture leads with blogging, right. So, there is a process behind that. You need to split-test things and learn what converts best with your audience.

A successful blog online can be a network marketing lead generator!!

You just have to learn how to build it right!

Learn more about blogging here.

4 – Guest Posting

This is a great way to promote your blog and any other website you want.

The simple concept is to find blogs in your niche that are getting a nice daily traffic flow and contact the owner asking if he/she is open to a guest blog post from you.

This is pretty much borrowing a blog’s traffic, to help you build your email list. It works well if you do A LOT of it.

Let me teach you how to find blogs that might allow guest posts.

All you have to do is find them, and send a message asking if they are open to a guest post from you.

You can find blogs that accept guest posts using Google. Just search for this:

Guest Posting

Go through a few pages and try out different keywords. Gather a good amount of blogs where you could publish a guest post.

Before you start doing guest posts, make sure you invest in your education, and have a lot of good knowledge in your niche. You want your guest post to be very valuable, unique, and amazing!

The better your guest post is, the more visitors it will attract!

5 – Content Marketing

Sometimes I would tell people this; “don’t just blog on your blog, share content all over the internet!!!” ……

What I mean is that you should be publishing content EVERYWHERE online, with a link back to either your blog or capture page.

There are so many sites where you can share an article and get some free traffic from. Just make sure each article is very valuable and unique.

It doesn’t have to be top quality as with the articles you should publish on your blog – but just make sure it is good valuable content!

Let me share a list of article directories with you – where you can share articles and get some free traffic from daily. Click here to download my list of article directories

Content marketing is about sharing valuable content ALL OVER the internet.

Either through videos, audios, text, and .pdf files. Any type of content you can share!

Create a simple content marketing strategy you can follow daily or at least weekly.

For example;

– Share an article on on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

– Share a valuable piece of content on multiple social networks every day.

– Share a valuable video on Youtube and Facebook on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

– Share a valuable .PDF File on every other day.

And things like that.

Do you see what I’m trying to teach you here?!

You have to come up with a game-plan you can follow daily – when it comes to content marketing. You can also include publishing blog posts on your blog here.

If you do this, very consistently, you will be able to build up a nice traffic flow to your captures pages and your blogs online.

You can learn more about article marketing here.

This is a great way to generate network marketing leads online!

6 – Blog Commenting

This is an old internet marketing strategy.

Blog commenting is one of the first internet marketing strategies I learned. And it is still very effective today. Thanks to WordPress!

This strategy only works best with WordPress Blog Sites. Because of the commenting feature from the WordPress Platform.

You can find blogs related to your niche that get a good amount of daily traffic and leave a comment with a link back to either your blog or capture page.

Blog Commenting

Of course, you should always take the time to read the post and leave a good comment. You want your comment to be approved, so, leaving a one or two liner will not cut it!

Let me show you how to find blogs where you can comment and leave a link back to your website. Just do a simple Google search:

Blog Commenting

One of the keys to getting some good traffic doing this is to try to be one of the first ones to leave a comment on a brand new blog post.

Once you find the blogs, with good traffic flow, subscribe to their newsletter to catch those fresh posts!

The reason why you want to be one of the first ones to leave a comment is so you can get a good amount of free traffic to your website fast.

Take massive consistent action with this, and you can build up some good free traffic!

Social Media

7 – Facebook Fan Page

Fan Pages are a great way to promote your network marketing opportunity. Learn the right ways to build up the ‘Likes’ and boost up the engagement on your posts.

It will take time and consistent effort, but a successful fan page can generate you a lot of network marketing leads over time.

You must take the time to design a good looking fan page. 

Get a nice Cover Image. Show the benefits of following your fan page on the cover image.

You can create your cover page yourself, or you can outsource it. You can use to find someone very good at creating cover images for fan pages.

The Facebook Fan Pages now have an awesome feature called Call-To-Action Button. You can link this to your Capture Page.

Fan Page Call-To-Action

The next thing you need to build on your fan page would be a Tab. You can use this app: – to help you build a nice looking tab page.

Fan Page Tabs

You can have a video presentation or simply share some value there and have a call to action linking to your capture page.

Finally, work hard on increasing your Likes and engage with your current audience as much as possible. Share a lot of valuable information and ask questions regularly.

8 – Facebook Sponsored Posts

You can boost up your fan page’s posts by sponsoring them. This is going to require a good budget.

You have to experiment here and play it smart. You don’t want to be losing money, so, I highly recommend you take this very seriously.

Learn more about your audience, and test different things to learn what type of content they love the most.

Once you know exactly what your audience wants, you will be able to get more out of your sponsored posts!

9 – Contact Professionals on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is full of entrepreneurs and professionals. It is a great place to find potential customers and team members.

Just look around and connect with other like-minded people. You can also join LinkedIn Groups and interact there.

Take a look at how many people are in LinkedIn groups!

LinkedIn Groups

Build up your connections, brand yourself, lead with value, and promote your websites.

10 – Connect with People on Facebook

There are millions of people on Facebook who might be very interested in what you have to offer.

There are so many entrepreneurs and marketers on Facebook, it is crazy!!

You can very well build up a huge following and your network of like-minded people. It will take time and a lot of effort, but it will be worth all of it.

People are hungry for knowledge on Facebook. 

One of the best tips I can give you is to truly care about people. Truly care about teaching them the right knowledge, and share solutions to problems they might be having.

When you connect with someone for the first time on Facebook, do not try to sell them right away. That is a big mistake.

Genuinely looking to build a good relationship. Be an awesome networker, not an annoying networker! Lol

Spend a few minutes connecting with new people daily. And also building a good relationship with the people you are already friends with.

Consistency will be the key here!

Have a link to your websites, with a call to action, on the description of every one of your images and cover images.

Connect your Facebook Profile to your Fan Page. And also have a link to your websites in the ‘About’ section.

As you build up your following and network, you can start to drive some traffic to your capture pages, and start generating leads for your network marketing opportunity.

I can go into way more details on how to benefit from Facebook, but I have a great Facebook Marketing Training to teach you how to build up a big following already; watch it here.

11 – Connect with People on Twitter

Just like on Facebook, there are so many marketers on Twitter. And sometimes twitter is underestimated.

Do not underestimate this social network. You can build up a big amount of followers and connect with thousands of like-minded individuals as well.

Just take the time to reach out to people, and connect with them, genuinely. Take a few minutes every day to talk to new people, and follow new people.

Lead with value. And never be afraid to re-tweet other people’s posts. Sharing is caring. And it never goes unnoticed on Twitter.

Take massive consistent action on Twitter and grow your network there, daily.

12 – Connect with People on Instagram

Instagram is another social network that is underestimated. And I think is because since is all about sharing images and 15-second videos, people think they can’t get much traffic from it.

But, that is very small thinking. Recently, I have met some marketers who are getting leads every single day from Instagram alone!

So, I know it is possible to get leads from this social network. I’m currently working on it myself. And, so far, my follower’s number is growing.

What I’m doing is, linking back to my Facebook Profile, from my Instagram profile, and that is helping me build my Facebook following a bit faster.

Just a strategy I’m implementing at the moment. But, you can have a link to your capture page in your Instagram profile, if you want.

The key to getting the leads is in the numbers. 

You have to build up the biggest following you can build on Instagram. It will take time and effort, of course, as with any other social network.

The time and effort to build this up will be very well worth it!!

Here are the things I’ve done on Instagram:

– Liking as many images as possible

– Commenting as much as possible

– Re-Posting other’s images often

– Posting my images very often

And that is all I’d do on Instagram daily to grow the audience. 

Come up with your own Instagram daily action plan, and follow it!

13 – Connect with People on Google+

The Google+ Social Network is still growing. And it is getting bigger and bigger with time.

You should also be following others on Google+, and connecting with like-minded people. Just look for them, and interact with them.

You should also ask others on other social networks to connect with you here.

It is a smart move to combine all of your social networks and use them to help you grow each one of them.

For example, right now I’m promoting my Facebook profile on my Instagram account, and I also promote my Instagram profile on my Facebook account. You get what I mean?! ..

When it comes to social media marketing, it is all about creating the best strategy that works for you, and sticking with it until you start to get good traffic from them!

14 – Attraction Marketing

Having people come to you, and want to learn more about you and from you, is the best strategy ever!

You should take the time to invest in your knowledge from your niche.

Become an expert and share value with your social network following.

With time, you will have a lot of authority in front of people. And that will make it so much easier to recruit people into your network marketing team.

But, it all starts with YOU!

You have to invest a lot in your education and experience. Take massive consistent action, and gain the best knowledge by failing and learning from your mistakes.

When it comes to attraction marketing, you have to implement the right process. I have very good training on this topic, you can watch it here.

Forum Marketing

Forums are a great way to drive traffic to your websites online. You just have to learn how to do it right.

Below, I’m sharing some of the best forums in the Internet Marketing Niche. You can get a lot of free traffic from them if you become very active in their community.

All of these forums allow you to have a Signature with a link to any website you want. You should have a link to your capture page there.

The key here is to contribute to the forum daily. You should post on each one of the forums you want to use, at least 5 times every day.

Each one of the following forums can drive a lot of free traffic to your websites online!

I have good training on Forum Marketing – you can watch it here.

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Video Marketing

24 – Youtube

Youtube can be a goldmine for free traffic if you know how to get it.

One of the best ways to get free traffic is by ranking a lot of videos on the first page of a search result.

It will take some time and effort to rank these videos. But the more you do it, the more traffic you will be able to get.

Make sure you have a call-to-action at the end of your videos. And always have a link to your capture page on the video (a banner on the video) and in the description.

Here are some good posts to teach you the right ways to benefit from Youtube Videos:

– 5 SEO Tips for Youtube Videos

– YouTube Marketing Tips You Must Learn!

– How to Put Annotation Links On Youtube Videos – Step by Step 

25 – Facebook

People on Facebook love to watch videos too. And if you share valuable videos consistently, they will help you build up a good following.

You can share some of the videos you create for your Youtube Channels. And then promote them to your Facebook friends.

If you come across someone who can benefit from a video you have uploaded to Facebook, share it with them and ask them to Like it, leave a comment, and maybe share it.

Do some Facebook marketing for the videos you upload on your profile or fan page. Interact with people and see who can benefit from the value you are sharing in your videos.

You can also share videos on your Fan Page and boost up reach by paying a little bit of money for promotion.

Always have a call to action at the end of your videos.

You should also have a small banner somewhere on your video with a link to your capture page. You can use video software like Windows Movie Maker or Camtasia Video Editor.

26 – Google Hangouts

People love free webinars and training!

I have done many Google Hangouts sharing a lot of value and people always love them. It’s not hard to do your own Google Hangouts.

Google even provides you with tutorials on how to do them. Just search for them on Youtube.

I think people love Google Hangouts because they are live-stream and can interact with the presenters. It is also a great way to interact with your audience online on a more personal level.

What I recommend you to do is to find others who are interested in doing Google Hangouts and get together to do a few. Especially if all of you are on the same network marketing company.

It will help all of you gain more authority in front of others and it will help a lot with your branding.

You should also work on having your own Google Hangouts, so you can promote your capture page or blog that way.

Teach very valuable knowledge, and tell people to go to your capture page if they are interested in learning more and/or working with you!

Audio Marketing

27 – Convert Content into Audio

You can re-purpose some of your best blog posts and turn them into audio files. And then share them all over the internet.

You can do this yourself or you can outsource. Go to if you choose to outsource.

Once you have a good amount of valuable audio files, you should promote them all over the internet. 

Do not forget to have a call to action in the audio as well. Tell people to go to your website, which would be your capture page.

You could even make it into a video, which will be just audio of course and upload it to Youtube. You can also upload it to – and promote the audio on your social networks.

You should also add your audios to the iTunes store. Just get creative in the ways you share your audios online.

28 – Informational Podcast

As I was saying above, you should get your audios to iTunes.

This is a great way to promote your network marketing opportunity.

Just make sure you don’t pitch the opportunity the entire time. Share a lot of valuable knowledge and tell people to go to your website at the end of the show.

It is not hard to get your audios on the iTunes Store. I teach you how to do it here.

29 – Interviews

This is a great way to get more content for your Podcast show. Find the successful people in your industry and ask them if they are open to being interviewed by you.

Do your research on the person you are interviewing. And come up with great questions that will teach your audience a lot of valuable knowledge.

Have a call to action at the end of the interview. Tell people to go to your site, and also allow your guest to have their call to action.

Some of them will even promote your Podcast show with their audience, and that will give you more exposure.

If you do this a lot, it can pay off big with time!

Classified Ads

There are so many classified ads sites you can advertise on. I’m sharing the ones I recommend you to use, below.

The key to getting the best results here is in the Ad Copy. You need to learn more about good copywriting and gain experience by taking a lot of action.

Track the links, and do a lot of split-testing, to learn what works best. You want to find out what type of ads people pay more attention to, and take action with.

Each one of the following classified ads sites can get you a lot of network marketing leads. Just take a lot of action and learn as you go.

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Paid Advertising

41 – Bing PPC

I have been hearing a lot of great things about Bing PPC lately.

This is a paid advertising method to try out. You can find a lot of free training on Youtube and Google.

But you should also consider investing in good training if you are going to take this very seriously!

42 – Facebook PPC

A lot of people are killing it with Facebook PPC.

But, as with every paid advertising method, you need to know that it is a gamble. You can win or lose money here.

I have spent a lot of money on Facebook PPC campaigns, I got some good results and also lost some money but I am still learning to get the best results without spending too much.

There is a big learning curve, and one of the best ways to learn is by doing and trying different things.

This is why paid advertising is a gamble and it must only be done with a budget you are okay with losing. In case you lose the money.

I would not spend the rent money on any type of PPC Campaign, or any type of paid advertisement!! … just so you know!

Before you jump into Facebook PPC, invest in the right education. Search for the best Facebook PPC training, and invest in that first!

Once you start learning what to do, take a lot of consistent action. Facebook PPC can become one of the best-paid advertising methods you can use to generate network marketing leads.

43 – Solo Ads

This is where you rent someone’s email list, to build your list.

A very simple concept. It just takes a good budget and a lot of split-testing. You need to invest a lot in your Copy-Writing Skills before you send paid traffic to your capture pages.

You want to learn what works, what colors, what design, what videos, what messages, and things like that, convert the best!!

I’m going to share with you a good resource for Solo Ad Vendors. Check it out:

44 – Ad-Swaps

This is where you exchange email lists and help each other build your list!

I will send your email to my list, and you send my email to your list. Simple concept!

One site I recommend is

45 – Banner Ads

You can find many sites to place a banner on and advertise your capture page.

Banner ads work great. You just have to do a lot of it and also work on your conversion numbers here.

The key here would be on the conversions of your banners and capture pages. You have to take the time to split-test the banner image and the capture page.

You can create your banners, or outsource them. You can outsource banners on

Here is a great site to find places to advertise your banner on

46 – Forum Ads

You can place banners and text ads on forums that are getting a lot of daily traffic online. You just have to find them and look for an advertising option.

You can go to the forums I have shared with you earlier, and look for their advertising options.

There is a lot of targeted traffic in forums. You just have to work on the conversions of your banners, text ads, and capture pages.

You don’t want to lose money, right …. so, take the time to work on your conversion rates.

Generate Network Marketing Leads Offline

Marketing offline is a great way to generate network marketing leads too. 

You can get even more creative offline.

There are many marketing methods you can implement offline, to drive traffic to your capture pages online.

Just make sure you have an easy to remember Domain Name. 

You want people to remember where to go to find more information about what you do and what you are offering.

Make the domain name short and sweet. 

And never use Hyphens. You don’t want to have any spaces in your domain name, because that will not make it easy to remember, would it?

You are going to be spreading the word about your network marketing opportunity all over the place, and you need to send this offline traffic to a capture page (a website).

This way, if they do not buy in right away, you can at least follow up with them through emails.

I’m going to list a few ideas for offline marketing. There is not much I can talk about each one of them, and this post is already too long! Lol ….

So, I’m just going to give you the ideas, and you get creative with each one of them!

47 – Work Your Contact List
48 – Referral Rewards Program
49 – Personal Launch Events
50 – Prospecting When Out & About
51 – Sponsor Charity Events
52 – Attend Local Networking Events
53 – Drop 30 Business-Cards a Day
54 – Drop Business-Cards in Bookstores and Libraries
55 – Drop Business-Cards in Local Business Magazines
56 – Spread Flyers around Town
57 – Taxi Cab Signs
58 – Car Stickers
59 – Advertise in Local Magazines
60 – Advertise in Niche Related Magazines

This is enough information for you to start generating a lot of network marketing leads consistently.

You just need to take MASSIVE consistent action with the methods you decide to use to drive traffic.

You don’t have any excuses as to why you can’t generate network marketing leads now!

There are so many ways to do it. You have so many options and so much to try out.


We’re going to go over powerful attraction marketing techniques to help you attract the right people to you. People who would love to buy from you, and work with you.

One of the best ways to get people to work with you online is by attracting them to you. There are simple attraction marketing strategies you can implement online to attract more people who would love to be in your team.

There are no “attraction marketing secrets” or “MLM attraction marketing secrets”, there is just the right and wrong knowledge. There is always a right and wrong way to everything in life. Remember that!

When it comes to marketing online and building teams, there are ways to make people come to you, instead of you chasing after them. The concepts are very simple, but the action you need to take, and the consistency that comes with it, is what most people find as a ‘challenge’.

‘challenge’ that can be accomplished, everyone can win here. But for some reason, only a few will persevere with the process and end up manifesting their goals. If you only took this VERY seriously, then you can help yourself and become very successful online.

And if you are still looking for ‘attraction marketing secrets’, then I’ll just call these attraction marketing tips; “Attraction Marketing Secrets Revealed!” – to help you learn better!! .. LOL :D

Attraction Marketing Formula

6 Tips to Help You Do It Right!

1 – Grow Daily

It is very important that you keep on learning new things every day, and as often as possible. If you want to become a very successful person in life, knowledge is what will take you there. The right knowledge, of course.

If you want to become a successful person, then you have to learn from successful people. There are no secrets to success, only the lack of taking action with the right information.

I’ve learned a lot from and about successful people. You can tell the difference between someone who knows how to become successful and someone who does not.

You need to learn exactly what it is that separates these two types of people in this world. There are books, videos, training, and even audios, you can study and learn from on this subject.

Successful people grow their knowledge daily or as often as possible.

You need to stop looking for a lottery ticket here, and just do the necessary work to become a successful individual. Stop being lazy and just learn, do, and become the best person you can ever become each day!

Today, try your best to become a better person than yesterday!

This is what I do every day; I watch motivational videos, I listen to informational audios, I research what I need to learn more about, I read self-development books, and then I try to teach all of my new knowledge to others immediately.

Doing this, as often as possible, will help you grow your knowledge tremendously. You just need to be very consistent with what you need to do.

Grow daily, take action daily, teach others daily, and make money online. ;)

Here is a good post you should read.

2 – Take Massive Action

As soon as you learn something new, implement it!

If you want to make what you just learned, worth it, then you need to take action immediately and apply the information learned.

There is nothing better than taking massive action with an internet marketing strategy and getting massive results. If you take this very seriously, and you take productive action, you are bound to find yourself getting the results you want to get online.

By now you should be able to realize, that the most successful people in this world, are those who did what most would not do, and that is why they can have what most people can’t. Those who worked VERY HARD to get what they want in life will always end up a winner!

You have to do what others won’t, so you can have what others don’t!

There is no point in learning new things if you are not going to do anything with the new information. Just do it!

3 – Grow your Network

Now that you are consistently growing your knowledge and becoming a better person every day, it is time to show it to the world.

This is where Internet Marketing Strategies come in handy. You want to promote yourself and grow your online network.

You need to build up an online following.

Social Networks, like, is a great place to grow a network of like-minded people, very fast. You just need to learn how to do it the right way, as with everything else, right!

I like to use Facebook to grow a network and following with. Facebook is a great place to implement these Attraction Marketing TipsRead this post for some good Facebook Marketing Tips.

Learn how to grow your Social Networks by the masses, and just be very consistent with that. Get out there and don’t be shy about connecting with others. The best way to grow your Facebook Network, for example, is by being all over the place.

You want to keep on Liking, Commenting, and engaging with other people on Facebook. This is the best way to become “Facebook Famous”.

Be very social in social networks and make legitimate connections with a lot of people every day. This will be a process, so you want to add things up. Don’t expect your networks to explode overnight.

Just do the necessary work daily, and make lots of new friends online.

If you are very consistent on Facebook, you can start building up a big following online…..and get many Likes & Comments on your posts!…

4 – Lead with Value

This is why you should be learning new knowledge every day or every week. So you can lead with Value while you are growing your Social Networks Online.

People tend to follow those who are sharing very valuable things. People who have problems will follow those who have the potential to solve those problems.

When it comes to building a team online or making money online, it will be a lot easier to do it when others are coming to you for help and information. Now that you know this, how do you think you will become that one person who everybody wants to learn from? ..

You grow daily!!

And then lead others with your value. Is a simple concept that if applied the right way, it has a lot of power to attract others in your niche.

This is how you become a person everyone would like to work with online. You probably now see how everything I talked about previously is coming together.

You grow daily because you need more value to lead others online. If you didn’t care too much about learning new things very often, how do you expect to keep leading others with value? ..

When you are on Facebook, you want to others with valuable posts, and just never be afraid to be yourself. People love to see things that can change their life, and help them in their online journey, from a normal person.

Share inspirational and valuable content, and motivate people with knowledge that can change their life.

I’m sure you have heard that you need to lead by example online, and growing daily, self-improving to become the best person you can be, is leading by example!

5 – Become an Expert & a Leader

If you follow all of the information I’m sharing with you today, with the time you will become an expert in your field and a leader in life.

This is where attraction marketing starts to work like magic.

When you are at this level, you become a very knowledgeable person, an inspirational individual, and a great leader online. This is where people start to come to you naturally and ask to work with you.

You need to become the best leader you can ever become!

Learn exactly what you need to do to accomplish the best.

Today, you have learned a lot of that knowledge, so you can now become an expert and a leader online. How much longer are you going to wait to get it done??!! 

Put everything together in the right way, get out there, and make it happen. Become the leader you would want to follow and have in your life. Become that expert you would love to learn from!

Plain and simple.

6 – Keep Marching Forward

No matter what happens through your journey online, you need to keep on moving forward. People can tell when you are not.

When you become very confident in what you are doing to change your life, and accomplish your goals online, people can smell that from miles away. 

And guess what; people love to work with an individual like that!

Wouldn’t you want to work with a leader who is always marching forward, no matter what happens to him!!?

People who seem very confident in what they do, and just do the right things (the things you are learning on this post) very consistently, are the people who are succeeding and being followed the most. Think about it.

You can tell when someone is stuck online and is not doing anything to keep on moving forward, regardless of all the failures. Don’t be that person and just keep moving forward, even when you fail miserably.

Your passion to keep on going forward is what will make you a very successful person in life.

“Is not about how hard you hit, is about how hard you can get hit and keep going, how much you can take and keep moving forward! … that’s how winning is done!! ..”

If you become this type of person, others will start to notice, and little by little more and more people will want to work with you online. This is a simple formula that never fails.

The only way you are going to fail with all this is if you don’t do it right and you get lazy with the process and end up quitting. At that point, you are the one to blame. Realize this, and change your mind, to change your life.

There are no ‘attraction marketing secrets’, or techniques – there is just the right knowledge. The rest of the process is all up to you and on you!

Wrapping it up

It’s fair to say that when it comes to generating leads for your network marketing business you have many options and methods. It is a matter of learning the right methods and taking action consistently in a smart way.

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60 Ways to Generate Leads for Network Marketing Business PLUS 6 Attraction Marketing Formula Tips by

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