Last Updated on January 2, 2024 by Freddy G. C.

So, you want to become a successful blogger.


That is the smartest decision you have ever made.

Trust me.

Blogging will change your entire life.

It changed mine.

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

I started my blogging journey at the beginning of 2011.

Prior to this new online journey, I was a miserable construction worker.

I hated life and was super depressed.

By the end of 2010, I’ve had it with everything in my life.

Can you imagine how it is to wake up Monday through Friday at 5:30 in the morning and then be stuck in traffic until about 8 or 9 just to begin a day full of heavy manual labor?

It fucking sucks.

I did that for a few years.

My life was not looking good at the age of 20.

Hold on there!
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Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

I was miserable.

It’s not even funny – so stop laughing! :D

I’m also a high school dropout.

I was not a big fan of school even though it was never hard for me.

But, I did get my GED (which is equivalent to a high school diploma).

It was actually super easy to pass that test.

And I’m not a genius!

I’m an average dude who has an awakened mind. That’s all.

The reason why I’m sharing a little bit of my life’s story here is that I want to inspire you to become a successful blogger online yourself.

It did take me years to make things happen.

But, that was because I had no clue at all about blogging and making money online.

When I started, I did not know what a domain name was or what blogging was.

I had no clue about anything.

I was making mistakes left and right.

I was completely blind to this new internet world I was interested in.

I had to educate myself from scratch.

I failed a lot but kept moving forward no matter what.

And I’ve made it.

If a former construction worker and high school dropout can build this internet marketing blog and build a responsive email list that allows him to make an income working from home – you can do it too and even better.

Oh and I forgot to mention – English was my second language for the majority of my childhood. I was born somewhere else and lived abroad until the age of 15.

Of course, once I moved to the states it became my first language but you get my point here.

And my point exactly is the fact that I’m not the most knowledgeable when it come to the English language.

So, if I can accomplish my blogging and internet marketing goals with the type of life I’ve had you can do it too and better!!

I started from the bottom and now I’m here.

Shoutout to my boy Drizzy Drake!


One thing that you will notice about me is that I’m blunt.

Legendary Marketer by David Sharpe - Frequently Asked Questions

I speak my mind out.

I like to entertain while I teach something of value.

I believe this is the best way to make a great impact in your life.

This type of personality can have a memorable effect.

I want you to remember what I’m teaching you and inspire you to do better than me.

I have no problem giving you everything to succeed and pass me.

I believe in the abundance of our universe.

There is enough for everyone and I’m here to tell you that you can too become a successful blogger and live the dot-com lifestyle.

I love my life so much today.

I’m forever grateful for everything. The ups and the downs.

I’m grateful for all of my failures and mistakes.

I would not be here right now writing this to you with such positive energy if it wasn’t for everything happening in my past.

I love all of the wonderful people I’ve met thanks to blogging online.

And all of the beautiful souls that I have been able to help out and inspire to do better not just with blogging but with life in general.

I have a passion for helping others.

This is the secret to my blogging success.

You have to truly want to help the people who your blog is for.

And I don’t only help the people who my internet marketing blog targets but I also help the fellow bloggers who are building a similar blog to mine.

This is simple advice – yet so freaking powerful.

You have to blog from an energy of abundance.

Let go of your fears.

There is enough for everyone to get a piece of the pie.

You might be failing with your blogging efforts right now because you are too attached to the results.

Let them go.

Especially, if you are building a blog in the work-from-home niche.

You are probably caring more about getting results than actually helping others who are not only in your niche audience but also other bloggers building the same type of blog as yours.

You are shooting yourself in the head with this mentality.

You’re killing yourself and your success.

Start blogging from a place of love and sincere passion to help others – no matter who they are.

The money that you make is a by-product of your service to everyone including “your competition”.

Of course, you have to pay the bills and put food on the table.

We all do.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to make a lot of money but it is about HOW you are trying to make it that matters the most.

If you haven’t been able to hit your income goals with your blog and with internet marketing is not really because you are doing many things wrong.

You probably are working hard and doing what you have been learning from the top bloggers but you are doing them from an energy of fear.

One great example of such way of blogging is a new friend I’ve made in this blogging world – Ryan Biddulph from – Here is a recommended blog post from this awesome blogger.

There are many amazing bloggers like Ryan who I have been blessed to meet and engage with – and learn so much from.

I admire the consistency and passion of such bloggers.

Bloggers like:

Susan Velez from

Janice Wald from

Donna Merril from

Lisa Sicard from

Lesly Federici from

Louise Myers from

Elna Cain from

Sue Dunlevie from

Lilach Bullock from

Harsh Agrawal from

Jon Morrow from

Yaro Starak from

Just to name a few.

I could go on naming more awesome bloggers like these guys but I don’t want to make this blog post too long.

If you want to learn more about blogging success, the bloggers I just mentioned have the passion for helping you – so go check them out.

Let’s continue on.

You came here because you want to learn how to become a successful blogger in your niche, right!

My Secret Revealed

My secret is networking with other bloggers and truly helping the people who need help in my niche audience as much as possible.

As I was telling you earlier in this post one of the most important keys to successful blogging is to genuinely want to HELP OTHERS.

Your heart has to be in the right place when you blog.

I can’t address this enough.

I love helping bloggers who blog about many interesting topics every single day.

It’s my job and I love it.

One great place where I find bloggers from all over the world is Facebook Groups.

I like going into these blogging groups and help out as much as possible.

Just take a look at some of my interactions with new bloggers.

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)  Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

I take the time to actually review each of these new blogs and engage with the people.

I truly care.

I care a lot about the people who want to build a successful blog online in any niche and need guidance and help.

These are the same type of people who start to follow me online, subscribe to my internet marketing blog here and check out and buy what I recommend.

The more I help these new bloggers and even the bloggers building a similar blog to mine the more they help me.

We all help each other.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

This is the secret to successful blogging.

You have to build your network of like-minded bloggers and work together to help even more people in the niche.

You could be blogging about acne or fitness or crochet – if you don’t truly care about helping and all you care about is making money – you will fail.

That’s proven.

You have to truly care about people.

The people in your niche are the ones who will help you build your blog and get the results you are looking for.

It all starts with THEM.

You also have to team up with other similar bloggers who are building a blog like yours and push each other to become a better help to the niche.

The ones who really understand this simple concept are the ones who make it to the top.

I have not met a successful blogger who is not passionate about helping their audience and other bloggers as much as possible.

What should you do?

Make blogging FUN.

Choose a niche you are really passionate about so it will be easy to keep creating valuable content for your niche audience consistently.

I’m not telling you to not have goals to get the results you want to get with blogging and internet marketing.

As I’ve mentioned earlier – you have to pay the bills too.

What I’m telling you to do is to change your approach to blogging.

Team up with other bloggers who are also building a similar blog to yours and build a long lasting relationship with them.

Change your energy.

Blog with the passion and love to help – not with the fear of not having and doing enough to get what you want.

Give people what they want and you will get what you want. Help as much as possible no matter who it is. Trust me, this is the way to successful blogging.

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

Here's the SECRET to successful blogging - the more you give the more you get! Share on X

Wrapping it up

The more you give the more you get.

Of course, you also have to be a smart blogger.

And you want to learn the right knowledge.

It is also important that you educate yourself and invest in your education in order to take the right actions and build your blog and income the right way.

You have to learn more about blog conversions, email marketing, social media marketing, branding, affiliate marketing, etc.

But, when you are implementing, publishing content, and growing your online reach, you have to do it with the right approach and from an energy of abundance and love.

That’s what I’m saying!

Over to you

Do you think you are blogging from an energy of love or fear? What are your thoughts on this? If you have any questions or got something to say please leave them in a comment below. I’d love to hear from you.

If you know someone who could benefit from this information please share it with them. I’d really appreciate the help spreading the love here. Thank you so much!

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed)

Here's How To Become A Successful Blogger (My Secret Revealed) by

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