Last Updated on July 15, 2024 by Freddy G. C.
If you are building a blog site to make money online, read this entire article.
Derek Halpern is the cool guy behind
Today, you will learn how to borrow Derek’s experience and expertise to build a blog site that can make you money.
I have been following this blog for a year and have learned a lot of valuable knowledge from it.
I really like how Derek shares valuable information. He puts his unique character with it and adds a little humor for the final touches.
I also find humor as a great way to keep people engaged and keep coming back for more.
I mean …. who doesn’t love Entertaining stuff, right?! ;)
Having fun while learning is the best way to learn and remember. And not only that – it is a great way to stand out from the crowd – from the people who teach in a boring way. Wouldn’t you agree?
On that note, let me share a valuable, interesting, and entertaining video from Derek.
I so agree with this quote; “What stands out gets remembered. What blends in gets forgotten.”
What do you think?
Share your thoughts in a comment below! :)
Alright …. let me get to the main reason why you came here …
You saw the title; Here’s How You Can Borrow $25,100 from Derek Halpern ….
And now you are wondering what this is all about.
Hold on there!
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Well, I was going through some blog posts from and found a very interesting article.
This is an article where Derek talks about how he spent about $25,100 on a new blog design.
After reading the entire article, I thought to myself; “he just told us how we can analyze his new blog design and save some money by looking at a $25,100 blog design and accomplish the same for a lot less!”.
In other words, you do not have to actually spend $25,100 on a blog design that works very well.
You now have the example of a blog design that costs that much money and it is working very well for the owner.
Even Derek explains the reasons why he decided to go with this new blog design and what exactly he was looking to accomplish with it; you can read the full article on this here.
The key is in paying very close attention to everything on the blog site, every little detail and every single functionality.
Important Note: I am not telling you to just copy the same blog design and things like that, what I am telling you is to get the ideas and understand the thought behind everything built on the blog. Use the blog design and its functionalities as a Guide to build yours.
Look, I have been building websites since the birth of :D LOL
If you used during its early beginnings you know that they had a way for you to design your profile with HTML Codes.
I learned a lot of HTML so I can have the coolest myspace profile! hahaha .. ;)
And when I got interested in blogging and internet marketing – these HTML skills came in very handy. I also learned some basic CSS Coding along the way.
So I do know my fair share about blog design and also about the psychology behind it.
How can you use this information to your advantage?
Keep reading.
One valuable thing that I can tell you right now is that ….
Blog Design is also King Online!
Not just content.
If you want to build a successful blog online you have to take good care of the design and structure of your blog site. You just have to!
The user experience of a website online is such an important part for its success.
A great platform to help you build good looking blog sites is the WordPress Platform. It’s an amazing CMS (content management system) Platform with very useful tools to build amazing blog sites and static websites.
It is true that you do not need to know any HTML or CSS to build a good looking blog site or static website when using the WordPress Platform. But knowing a little bit of HTML and CSS definitely helps.
Or you can just hire a good web developer, right!
Either way, building a good looking blog site (or website) is not a big challenge these days.
You don’t even need a lot of money to invest on a great design. But, would it help if you have a lot of money to invest? Of course!!
Of course, having a lot of money to invest on the best web developers and the right people to help you build the best blog site online definitely helps. It helps a lot, actually.
What I am saying here is that if you do not have thousands of dollars to invest on your blog design right now, you can still build a great blog site with a small budget.
And, if you are like me, and you have some good web developing skills, paying close attention to people who are very transparent about the cost of their blog design (like Derek Halpern) will save you a lot of money.
The reason is because you probably can build a similar design with similar functionalities. And whatever you can’t do you can outsource.
And not only can you save money on blog design (doing this) – but you can also cut your learning curve in half.
I’ll explain ….
The successful bloggers online know their stuff very well.
They spend and have spent a lot of time and money – testing, split-testing, learning, experimenting, and finding out what works and converts best.
Isn’t obvious that you can cut the learning curve in half by truly understanding this simple fact?
Just think about it for a moment …
… you can learn from them, analyze their blog, analyze their results, and model after them!
This is pretty much like borrowing their experience, time, effort, and money.
This is what I have done to get where I am at today.
This is what some call; MODELING SUCCESS.
And this is a piece of advice I always give to others.
I am giving this advice to you – today.
Model After the Successful People!
This is the beautiful thing about Humanity and Life.
We can borrow each other’s experiences and successes.
People share their experiences, their successes, their failures, their lessons, etc.
We can find them through books, videos, blogs, audios, and any way of communication – today.
We live in a world that is evolving thanks to information. A world evolving thanks to the sharing of experiences with each other.
Just imagine this ….
Me and you have one goal, we want to get to the other side of a path, but we see how challenging this path is. There are all sorts of dangerous things that we are not really aware of.
If we both go through it at the same time, we might not make it all the way through the other side of the path. Our chances to actually get to the other side would be very low and it might take us a very long time.
But, if one of us goes through it first, and the other one waits for the outcome, we have a higher chance of getting to the other side of the path. And we would be able to get to the other side of this path very fast.
The reason is because one will learn from the experiences of the other.
And this will result on a better chance of one of us learning what to avoid and what to do to cross the entire path to get to the other side.
You get what I mean?
Now imagine if there are more than just two people with the same goal.
A group of people will just go and try everything and probably fail. But then there will be a second group of people who have learned from the first group and get a lot farther.
And even if the second group of people fail, the third group would be able to repeat this learning process and get even further. Until one day the goal will be accomplished and then there will be a clear step by step blue-print to accomplish that goal without having to fail a lot.
This is the true evolution of the human race.
This is how we move forward together.
Hopefully, I’ve explained this in a way you can understand. :)
Let me know what you think in a comment below!
This is how you can “borrow $25,100” from Derek Halpern to help you build a great blog site that can actually work and convert great!
Model after Derek Halpern. He has built a very successful blog and a 6 figures business online (I think he is on 7 figures now). So I think modeling after him is a smart idea. This would be the conclusion here.
I’m going to wrap it up with this ….
When it comes to accomplishing success online (or in anything in life) – you have to make the SMART Moves.
Think outside the box, and also inside the box. Think around the box too. Just think smart and use your mind to take big steps forward – towards your goals. ;)
You will make things happen – if you just implement what you learn here and from the ones who have accomplished what you want to accomplish.
I know it. I believe in ya!
I would love to hear from you in a comment below. Share your thoughts on this post!
Thank you for passing by.
Please, share this with others and with those who could benefit from this information. I would really appreciate that!
Talk to you soon.
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Here's how you can borrow $25,100 from Derek Halpern ...from - @derekhalpern Share on XHere's How You Can Borrow $25,100 from Derek Halpern .... by Freddy G. C.
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Hey Freddy,
It’s been a while since I visited your Blog.
When I saw this title I was hooked. I just could not do anything else BUT read this Blog post.
I wasn’t disappointed. You post was so very engaging while it educated me.
I spent time watching Derek Halpern’s video. Listening to how being slightly weird makes you stand out in a crowd.
I wanted to dash out and dye my hair red, (what little I’ve left) or shave my head bald to stand out.
I just cannot go about rubbing my face against, top quality Japanese paper, largely because I cannot get top quality Japanese paper in my country OR if I did, I’d most likely not be able to afford it .
Hence, I thought of leveraging my hair. Ah! well you can stop laughing so loudly now.
Giving a site visitor a terrific website experience is definitely the right way to go. It’s scary the number of sites that appear to ignore this fact (or just seem to turn a blind eye to it).
In today’s noisy, cluttered, Internet world, sites that are beautifully designed, and deliver the best possible site visitor experience, definitely stand out.
Such brand (website) recall is going to help convert site visitors to paying customers and have the site owner smiling all the way to the bank.
The wisest bit of advice I picked up from this post Freddy, is to learn from what other’s do. Leverage their success while building yours. Terrific stuff this.
I’m glad I spent time reading this post Freddy, I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot as well.
Ivan Bayross
Hi Ivan!
I’m happy to see you here! :)
I have been away for quite a while but I am back and ready to blog like a maniac again! ;)
I’m glad to hear that you have learned a lot here. This is the same advice I have been following myself to get the results I am looking for with my blogs.
Derek Halpern is a very smart blogger and businessman. HE knows what he is doing and he is one who learns a lot and pays close attention to everything – in a unique way. We all are learning a lot from this guy, absolutely!
You have to stand out from the crowd when space you reside tends to get very crowdy. You know what I’m saying ;)
Thank you for passing by and leaving a great comment, Ivan!
I wish you the best!
Keep up the great work man.
Cheers! :D
It is amazing story and I don’t believe on this story.
A one guy earn more than 25000$ It is unbelievable.
Hey Basit!
Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant here. This is true and that’s that. You don’t have to believe it.
Thank you so much for coming by anyway!
Best regards! :D