Last Updated on July 6, 2023 by Freddy G. C.

If you’re a new blogger then you know the importance of creating content on a regular basis.

As infopreneurs, we need a lot of content.

In this post, you’re going to learn how to create a blog schedule that you can actually maintain so you can grow your blog.

I’ve read online that as a blogger, we need to be comfortable with writing 10,000 – 25,000 words per month.

This includes blog content for your blog, other people’s blogs, and your own products.

This is a lot of content.

I don’t know about you, but it can feel daunting to think that you’re going to need that much content.

It’s enough to make a new blogger think that they won’t be able to succeed.

One of the best things you can do when you start your blog is to learn how to create a blogging schedule.

Don’t listen to people who say that you should blog three times per week.

They don’t know your schedule or your life.

If you’re blogging as a side hustle and trying to grow your blog into a full-time business, you may not have time to write 3 blog posts per week.

I’m not going to tell you how often you should publish new content.

Instead, I am going to show you why you need to create a blog schedule and then walk you through the process of creating one.

A Blog Schedule Helps You Create Content Your Audience Needs

How to Create A Blog Schedule So You Can Focus On Blog Growth

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The whole purpose of your blog content is to help, motivate or inspire your audience.

People who find your blog are most likely looking for a solution to their problem.

If your content speaks to them and helps them solve their problem, chances are you will gain a true fan. They may subscribe to your email list or your blog feed.

Eventually, as they gain your trust, they’ll start buying your products, services and clicking on your affiliate links.

A blog schedule will help you create the content that your audience needs. Instead of just creating any type of content for your blog.

Why You Need A Blog Schedule

It’s so easy to think that you don’t need a schedule, that you’ll post content when you feel like you have something to say. Sure this mentality will work if you’re just blogging as a hobby.

However, if you’re blogging with the full intentions making money on your blog, you’re going to have to treat your blog like a business. Your blog will not grow if you don’t work on it every day.

This doesn’t mean that you need to publish content on a daily basis. All this means is that you are working on growing your blog every day.

For instance: You might choose to publish content on your blog every Monday and Fridays. If you want to know which days are the best days to publish your blog posts, you can read this post.

Every Monday and Friday, you know that a blog post will go live on your blog. So it’s important to make sure that you have that content ready to go in advance.

Sure you can sit down and write your content the day of. However, having an editorial calendar works a lot better.

As a new blogger, chances are you are wearing all the hats in your business. You are the one who does the writing, promotion, outreach, product creation, and etc.

You do not have anyone to rely on but yourself.

Life Gets In The Way

How to Create A Blog Schedule So You Can Focus On Blog Growth

Most of us do not start out as full-time bloggers. We start our journey as a side hustle. We bust our butts to build the business that we want.

This means that we still have day jobs that we do, families to take care or, long commutes and other daily activities we do besides our blogs.

If you are not using an editorial calendar this means that it’s so easy for life to get in the way.

Before you know it, you’re skipping your Monday blog post. Then before you know it you didn’t have a chance to write your Friday blog post.

You figure “Oh well, I’ll get it next week, it won’t hurt me.”

What you did not know is that your blog was starting to get its first visitors. These visitors were looking forward to your blog posts, but since you stopped blogging, they stopped coming to your blog.

Batching Your Content

One of the best things you can do is sit down and batch your content. This is nothing more than just writing all your content in advance for your blog posts.

This is one of the easiest ways to maintain your blog schedule. When you batch your content, you will have the time to write the content that your audience is looking for.

If you are constantly writing content the night before your post goes live, you most likely didn’t have time to create a plan. You probably just created content for your blog because you knew that you needed fresh content.

Chances are that content is not going to speak to your audience.

Create A Schedule You Can Live With

Many new bloggers think that the more they publish the faster their blog will grow. While it’s true that your blog will grow faster if you can publish more content.

The truth is that most new bloggers can’t publish new content every day. You also have to consider the fact that you are going to have to take the time to promote your blog posts.

If all you do is write content without promotion, no one will ever know your blog exists.

You Don’t Have to Publish Every Day

That’s right, your blog will grow even if you do not publish new content every day. Sure it will take longer if you only publish content once a week.

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I make it a point to publish new content on my blog twice per week. Then I write guest posts for other people’s blogs to help me get noticed online.

As a new blogger, one of the hardest things you are going to run into is getting blog traffic and finding your audience. If you are constantly pushing out fresh content for your blog, no one is seeing it.

So what are you supposed to do to start gaining traction for your blog?

Focus On Blog Promotion

How to Create A Blog Schedule So You Can Focus On Blog Growth

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Your blog needs readers, without visitors it’s just going to be an online journal. At first, it’s okay, after all, we realize that it takes time to grow a blog.

Eventually, you will get burnt out and chances are you will walk away from your blog. It will become one of those statistics where bloggers started hard and then quit because they couldn’t figure out how to grow their blog.

A blog schedule will prevent you from being overwhelmed. Plus you will have more time to focus on the promotional part of blogging.

How to Create A Blog Schedule

So how do you create a blog schedule that makes your blogging life easier?

Well, it’s simple. This is what I do and the best part is that you do not have to use any fancy software.

I make it a point to sit down once a month and brainstorm keyword ideas and topics that will help my avatar.

Next, I will create a document in Google Drive and write down every blog topic that I can think of.

Still confused, not a problem let’s go through this step-by-step.

Your Blog Categories

Open up a document inside of Google Analytics and jot down all your blog categories.

For instance, if you’re blogging in the gardening niche, you probably have some of the following categories:

  • Gardening Gloves
  • Gardening Tools
  • Gardening Gifts for Women
  • Gardening Books

You kind of get the idea, I don’t know anything about gardening. I just went to Amazon and searched the term Gardening and got these ideas.

Next, write down all these subcategories in your Google Document. Now that you have your main category, which is Gardening, you will now brainstorm ideas under the subcategories.

Come Up With Content Ideas for Your Sub Categories

Use a keyword tool or Pinterest to get some blog post ideas you can write about. Make it a point to brainstorm topics for every subcategory on your blog.

It may take some time to come up with 100’s of blog content ideas you can write. However, the more time that you spend brainstorming at the beginning the easier it will be.

Eventually, you’ll have a bunch of blog topics that you can write about that actually helps your audience.

Sit Down and Write

How to Create A Blog Schedule So You Can Focus On Blog Growth

Once you have spent time brainstorming ideas you can use for your blog. It’s time to just sit down and write. Don’t think, just write.

When you are done writing, add that post to your blog schedule. If you publish new content twice per month, you will schedule that blog post in WordPress for a future date.

So instead of clicking on “publish now”, you will schedule it to publish for a future date.

Repeat the Process

Now that you have your first blog post scheduled in advance, write your next blog post and do the same thing. Keep scheduling them for future dates.

Before you know it, your editorial calendar will be filled up with fresh content. Don’t forget about going back to proofread them and create your social media images.

Now that You Are Ahead

You can focus on the promotional part of your business. You can reach out to guest post on blogs like the Internet Marketing Blog or you can focus on learning social media.

Heck, you can even take time to create new autoresponders for your email list.

The most important thing is to keep writing content for your editorial calendar. Make sure that you are always 1-2 months ahead with your writing.

This will help remove a lot of the overwhelm that comes with growing a blog.

Final Take Away

Blogging is fun and can be rewarding after a while. While your blog will not grow overnight.

As long as you stay consistent with publishing fresh content and promoting your blog, you will see the benefits.

You might eventually start to see some income from your blog. A blog schedule will help you keep your blog up to date with fresh content that speaks to your audience.

Plus you will have more time for those tasks that actually take your blog from hobby to business.

Do you have a blogging schedule for your blog?

If so what process do you use to create it?

Let me know, I’d love to hear how you run your blog.

How to Create A Blog Schedule So You Can Focus On Blog Growth


How to Create A Blog Schedule So You Can Focus On Blog Growth by

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