Last Updated on May 25, 2023 by Freddy G. C.

Sometimes you just want to write.

You want to create.

But you’re afraid of the opinions of others.

It holds you back.

A lot.

And sometimes you think about how much do you need to write.

How long.

What exactly can you bring to the table?

Writing on a consistent basis can be scary.

I’m talking about when you want to build a blog that will bring you revenue.

At the beginning, you will need to create a lot.

When it comes to blogging, writing is still one of the best forms of communication.

Of course, we now have video and audio.

You can syndicate one piece of content to multiple platforms, that’s definitely encouraged.

The beauty of technology, right.

Hold on there!
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Technology can help humanity with a lot, but the one thing it can’t help us with is …..

Writer’s Block!

The inspiration behind this blog post is to help those who get writer’s block frequently.

It sucks.

I’ve been there.

If you are starting a new niche blog, you need to get creative, not only with the writing but with the content creation and syndication.

What helps me get out of a mental funk is to just write more.

Whatever it is.

A lot of times I get inspiration when I’m going through something in my personal life.

There’s a power that builds up during dark times.

The struggles build personal character.

I know it’s cliché, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

So true.

When you feel down or sad, or even happy and joyful, write.

Like Nike.

Just do it.

When you embark on a blogging journey, meaning that you want to build a blog with a profitable revenue, you must accept the fact that you are becoming a content creator.

Find what works for you.

As a blogger myself, I can tell you that writing will always be part of the fundamentals of blogging.

You want to become not good but great at writing.

Creative and copy writing.

This is one powerful skill that every blogger should master.

In my opinion at least.

Of course, you can start out with videos and audio (like a podcast).

But, most will start with a simple niche blog, and a lot of articles to create.

10,000 Hours

In order for you to become great at a skill, you must put in at least 10,000 hours.

How to get good at writing with a simple exercise

This is true.

It can take up to 10 years to put in this many hours in something.

You better get started right now.

Whatever skill you want to master, get going right now.

Legendary Marketer by David Sharpe - Frequently Asked Questions

Even if you suck.

Everyone starts at the lowest point.

You need to persevere and get going.

Take action.

You’re going to fail.

And you are going to make tons of mistakes.

But as long as you keep going forward, you will make it.

As long as you take action – no quitting.

You will master your craft.

The skill.

The skill that can possibly take you to places you could only dream of.


That’s it for me.

I do like making videos, and I’m probably going to be working on a podcast show in the future.

But writing will always be a medium to help my mind escape to a place where I can forget about a lot of things in my life for a brief moment and just focus on something new.

How to get good at writing

Focus on writing.

Write more, not less.

If you are building a niche blog, then just write.

Go wild with the words.

Even during the days you don’t feel like writing, write.

Push yourself.

Truly push yourself.

Even if what you come up with doesn’t really make sense.

Just write it and publish it.

Do not be afraid.

Every day you will get slightly better.

And better.

Before you know it, you will start to get good at it.

Do this for at least 90 days.

Every single day, write a new piece of content for your blog.

Even if you have to write something off-topic from your niche.

Create a category for “random thoughts” or “random writes”.

This is an exercise I have done myself and still do to get better at writing.

Not only will you get better at writing and getting creative, it will also benefit your niche blog.

It’s a win-win.

Now, I’m going to tell you to maximize your efforts by syndicating your content as much as possible.

What this means is to publish your article on multiple sites in multiple forms (like converting the article into a video or audio).

To learn more about content syndication, subscribe to the newsletter to get updates.

Wrapping it up

In order to get good at any skill, no matter where you’re at, you must put in the work.

Even if you really suck right now, get going.

You will only get better over time.

But you only get better if you actually and genuinely put in the work and hours.

That’s the only way.

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Thank you.


How to get good at writing with a simple exercise by

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