Last Updated on March 29, 2024 by Freddy G. C.

There’s a good amount of information on how to SEO an article, but not much information on how to SEO an article right from the start with good old keyword research.

Not the most exciting topic, I know, but one that is extremely important if your goal is to get your posts ranked on page one in any major search engine.

One of the problems that many website content writers have is when they write about a specific subject, they pick keywords that are too broad.

For example, in this post, if I would have chosen SEO Articles, SEO Article Writing Service or SEO Article Writing, I would have never seen the light of day in search engines.

But instead I chose.. How To SEO An Article

Why is this phrase so much better than the other three? Let’s find out.

How To SEO An Article – Long Tail Low Competition Keyword Phrases

First off, take a look at this chart below that explains the difference in shorter more broad keyword phrases versus more natural long tail keyword phrases. These keyword phrases also tend to be much less competitive as well more relevant to the reader.

how to seo an article diagram of long tail keywords and SEO

When we look at the four phrases I could have chosen for the keywords for this post, we need to look at the competition, the amount of monthly traffic you can expect to receive if you are on page one of the major search engines, and how relevant the keyword phrase is for today’s search engine users.

Let’s start with the phrase I chose: How To SEO An Article

how to seo an article photo of keyword research

I chose this phrase because it will be easy to rank for with only 21 other competing pages.

That’s assuming I write good quality content for my readers as well as apply some SEO Skills once I publish this post.

And although you may be thinking, Todd, only 48 people will be coming to your website if you are on page one of Google – that’s not a lot.

What you need to understand is as I start ranking for this phrase, I’ll start ranking for similar phrases that are related to my original keyword phrase: How To SEO An Article.

Hold on there!
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For example, I wrote a post on Amazon Selling Fake Products, my keyword phrase was Does Amazon Sell Fake Products. And although it doesn’t have a lot of monthly traffic, I rank under about 100 different keyword phrases on page one in Google and the cumulative monthly traffic to this post is between 1,200 to 1,500/mo.

how to seo an article photo of keyword research Click To Enlarge

Now, let’s look at the three keyword phrases that I didn’t chose. Look at their competition which is what’s called the QSR.

SEO Articles: Although great monthly searches at 5,040 and solid traffic at 857/mo, the 400K+ competing pages is enough to let me know that this phrase is not good and I’ll most likely never rank for it.

how to seo an article photo of keyword research Click To Enlarge

SEO Article Writing Service: This phrase is possibly the worst with a small amount of month searches and a good amount of competition of 332 competing websites for this phrase.
Special Note: I’m using Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool for this post and I’ll explain why below, but just note that anything below 200 QSR or Competing Pages is considered relatively low competition. Obviously, the low the number, the better.

how to seo an article photo of keyword research Click To Enlarge

The last keyword phrase is SEO Article Writing: Again low volume, high competition, not a good keyword phrase.

how to seo an article photo of keyword research Click To Enlarge

The Problem with Google Keyword Research Tool

I’ve used the Google Keyword Research Tool and Google AdWords Keyword Planner Tool and the problem I have with them is that I find the information that they provide is not very helpful.

I want to know the competition of the keyword phrase that I’m looking at. Not just a Low, Medium, High result. I also want to know the exact amount of competing websites that I’m up against.

Like I said, if it’s above 200 QSR (200 competing pages), I usually stay away from the phrase, this isn’t always the case because if it’s a really good phrase and it’s below 300, I can still get to page one in Google, but it will take more time and effort.

I also want to get an idea of the amount of traffic I can expect to see to my website if I do get on page one of the major search engines.

Jaaxy provides me with all this information, plus my site rankings, domain names, and most importantly, brainstorming ideas for similar phrases (along with their true keyword competition) that I would have never thought of if I was using Google’s Keyword Tool and not Jaaxy.

Let me show you what I’m referring to using Jaaxy and Google with our keyword phrase of: How To SEO An Article

how to seo an article photo of keyword research
Click To Enlarge

Now, I know that this keyword phrase, How To SEO An Article, has more than 10 monthly searches and it’s level of competition independent of using Jaaxy.

I just put in the exact phrase, “How To SEO An Article”, using quotation brackets into a Google Search and I get just over 2 pages, 21 SERPS/competing websites for this exact phrase, just like Jaaxy showed me from the beginning of my keyword search process.

See below.

how to seo an article photo of keyword research Click to Enlarge

What did Jaaxy have again? Let’s see.

how to seo an article photo of keyword research Click To Enlarge

So What Does This All Mean For You?

This means that regardless of whatever niche you are involved in, you can use Jaaxy to figure out exactly what the keyword competition is and find the right keywords for your website that will allow you to rank in whatever niche you have chosen.

Many people think that a certain niche is too competitive, and I can respect that, it will take longer to get rankings, see traffic, and make sales if you’re in a more competitive niche, but really, with the right keyword research being completed before you publish your post, you can see how difficult or easy it is to rank using a keyword tool like Jaaxy.

The other thing I would add about going after smaller amounts of traffic that are lower in competition is that if you are producing consistent quality content that is based on Long Tail Low Competition keywords, the traffic will start to pile up and you’ll be impressed with the results.

Whenever I go for the big Keyword Home-Run, meaning medium/low competition, but search results in the thousands, I find it takes much more time to get to the top of search engine rankings and I usually really have to fight to get past page 2 or 3 on Google.

I get just over 84% of my traffic to my website from organic searches and I use Jaaxy every time I write a post. My posts rank quickly and usually in a high position.

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I really hope you learned something new and now understand how to SEO an article using the right keywords. If you have any questions, come on by to and let me know.

Take care.


How To SEO An Article? Start With Keyword Research by

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