Last Updated on January 2, 2024 by Freddy G. C.

The ultimate goal for a niche blogger is to build an income with their blog.

You came here because you want to learn exactly HOW to do this.

There are 3 keys to successful blogging and you are about to learn them today.

Get ready, because I’m going to teach you a lot of valuable blogging knowledge.

The 3 Most Important Keys To Successful Blogging (You Will Fail Without These 3 Blogging Keys!)

I started my blogging journey back in 2011.

It took years of reading books, listening to audio and interviews, learning from the successful bloggers, watching webinar after webinar, and a lot of trial and error, for me to get it all right.

I’ve invested a lot in my blogging and internet marketing education.

I’m also a big fan of marketing and human psychology.

I spent years studying the human psychology and behavior of the people who are online.

I’ve realized one important thing when it comes to internet marketing ….

Human Psychology is super important!

I have learned from the best.

I have taken the time and money to get the right education on all of these topics and more.

I even went to events trying to actually meet some of these online “gurus”.

Here are Rob Fore and I at Austin, Texas in 2013 (very successful internet marketer).

Hold on there!
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The 3 Most Important Keys To Successful Blogging (You Will Fail Without These 3 Blogging Keys!)

Here are Jon Mroz and I after a nice dinner (another one who is making a lot of money online).

The 3 Most Important Keys To Successful Blogging (You Will Fail Without These 3 Blogging Keys!)

Here is the blogging Jedi Justin Verrengia, his wife, and I (a very spiritual internet marketer).

The 3 Most Important Keys To Successful Blogging (You Will Fail Without These 3 Blogging Keys!)

Okay. I don’t want to keep sharing pictures because I was 280 pounds heavy just two years ago and that was not a good look for me, at all.

I didn’t even want to share these pictures. I am down to around 220lbs now and a lot more muscle. ;)

But, you get my point here.

I have invested a lot of time and money in learning from the most successful online entrepreneurs that I could find at the time.

I have changed my entire life completely in just a few years.

I’ve been a super unhealthy individual my entire life.

In fact, I was always fat. This is the very first time in my entire life that I am skinny and very fit.

Just wanted to point that out in case you were wondering.

If I can turn my entire life around even after 28 years of unhealthy living and failures – you can do it too and even better.

I’m not anyone special, I simply started making better life decisions because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I thought you might find this a bit inspirational.

Back to the main topic.

You came here because you want to learn the three most important keys to successful blogging – and I’m about to lay it all out to ya.

I’ve recorded a one-hour video presentation where I explain everything in details.

You might want to bookmark this page for future references and if you don’t have one hour right now to watch the entire video – you can watch it later.

The 3 Most Important Keys To Successful Blogging

If you would like to get my coaching program and access to my membership site click here.

The 3 Most Important Keys To Successful Blogging (You Will Fail Without These 3 Blogging Keys!)

Here are the three keys I talk about in the video.

Key #1 Blog Design

Your blog design can make or break your entire blogging business operation.

If you don’t greatly care of your blog design from the start, you are bound to fail.

I always say this to the new bloggers I coach; think of your blog as your own store that is open 24/7 where people can come visit, look around, and maybe subscribe or buy something.

A blog can be a real business.

Legendary Marketer by David Sharpe - Frequently Asked Questions

It is the same concept of the offline business model.

If you owned a store, wouldn’t you want your store to look good and be attractive to the people coming in?

Wouldn’t you want your store to be very clean and well-organized?

It only makes sense that you take great care of every single detail of your business if you want to become a successful business owner.

You have to approach blogging in the same way.

I also like to say this; if you want your blog to pay you like a real business, then treat it like one!

You have to take care of how your blog looks like and how it is structured.

If you don’t, you are not going to get good results blogging online and you might think this blogging thing doesn’t work.

When in fact, YOU are the one who is not working with the right knowledge.

This is why it is so important that you actually invest in your blogging and internet marketing education.

Invest in a proven-to-work blog design.

Listen to the successful bloggers. Period.

Key #2 Blog Conversion

What is the point of working so hard to drive a lot of traffic to your blog if your blog has a very low conversion rate?

Your time is super valuable.

You know that. I know that.

So, think about this for a minute; you want all of the time and effort that you put in to drive traffic to your blog to be worth it.

And this means that you want to convert as much of your traffic into subscribers and sales, as possible.

This is smart blogging.

Don’t just blog blindly.

I’m dead serious.

I really want you to succeed with your blog.

You got to, you really got to, learn the right knowledge in order to build a successful blog online in any niche.

Key #3 Blog Traffic

Every business needs targeted traffic in order to succeed.

This is a no-brainer.

Your blog is your business and it needs a lot of targeted traffic consistently in order to grow and expand.

There are many ways to drive traffic to your blog. I teach 101 ways to drive traffic inside my ebook here.

I’m going to tell you this; driving traffic to your blog is not the real challenge.

The real challenge is in converting the traffic into subscribers and sales.

I find it easy to drive traffic to my blogs now. I have learned a lot of traffic generation methods that anyone can implement.

It does take time and effort to drive the traffic but it’s not something super hard to do.

What I have found harder to do is converting whatever traffic I already have coming to my blog into subscribers and more sales.

This is where human psychology and copy-writing will help you.

Human Psychology + Copy-Writing

Once you have some traffic coming to your blog, what you want to do is improve your conversion rates by testing and tweaking things in your content and blog’s design.

You have to learn more about human psychology and the art of copy-writing if you want to become a successful blogger online.

This was the last lesson I’ve learned before I started to get the results I was looking for blogging.

Don’t forget that you are also a Marketer.

That means you have to learn how to sell.

And what makes someone successful at selling?

The understanding of human psychology, social triggers, and customer behavior.

Of course, what you are trying to sell and the quality of value you have for the potential customer matters a lot.

But, here is the thing, you could have the best product and the best service in the world, but if you don’t know how to sell it the right way you will fail.

You have to combine it all in the right way.

The quality of your product, the pitch, the way of presenting the product, the way of engaging with the potential customer, etc.

This would be my last tip to you here.

If you want to become a successful blogger, you have to put everything together in the right way in order to get the right results.

Work on these 3 important keys to successful blogging and start implementing right away.

I’d love to hear from you

If you implement my tips here and get some sort of result please let me know in a comment below. If you have any questions or thoughts on this, leave them in a comment below. I want to hear from you.

Also, if you know someone who could benefit from this knowledge please share it with them. Help me help them. I would really appreciate any support I can get. :)

If you are a new blogger you must learn the 3 most important keys to successful blogging. Learn them today and start implementing right away! Share on X

Thank you so much for coming by!

Until next time.

The 3 Most Important Keys To Successful Blogging (You Will Fail Without These 3 Blogging Keys!)

The 3 Most Important Keys To Successful Blogging (You Will Fail Without These 3 Blogging Keys!) by

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