Last Updated on August 18, 2022 by Freddy G. C.
It was late at night.
I couldn’t fall asleep.
I had way too much going on inside my big head.
I’m always looking to grow my internet marketing blog here and do more to help you out.
So I was brainstorming hard.
While I was wrestling with my pillows that night …. the idea of starting a new Youtube Channel with a new style of teaching showed up inside my crazy mind.
I started a Youtube Channel for this blog a long time ago. But, because I was experimenting with Youtube Channels back then, I got banned from accessing my accounts. That old Youtube Channel still lives here – I just can’t do anything to it.
I’m going to be dead honest with you, that incident made me not want to start another Youtube channel for this blog again. I was just not really into it after getting locked out of my channel.
Youtube sucks!
Just kidding.
I actually love Youtube!
It is a great source of free traffic.
I just made a few mistakes and had to learn the hard way how to build a Youtube channel the right way.
That’s life.
Hold on there!
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And internet marketing.
We implement. We fail. We learn. We do it again a lot better than before.
So, I’m proud to announce that I am back with video tutorials!
Today, I would like to teach you about blog conversion optimization.
If your goal is to build a passive income from your niche blog, you must learn what I’m about to teach you.
It is super important that you work on your Blog’s Design and Organization for high conversion rates.
Benefit from your blog’s traffic as much as possible.
This is such an important part of the process of building a successful niche blog.
In the following video, I talk about this in better details.
I’m going to give you the same tips I have followed myself to build this money making blog online from scratch.
Let’s start learning.
You want to start blogging with a fully optimized blog for better user-experience and email marketing, right out of the gate.
It is not hard to build a high converting blog.
This advice is simple.
Keep it simple.
Build a seamless blog site.
Make everything flow naturally and beautifully on your blog.
Consider every single detail. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal visitor.
If you want to build a profitable blog online, it’s obvious that you should implement what the successful bloggers are doing. And they all do this.
I don’t think most of the new bloggers realize this simple fact.
Do what they do.
Model after the successful bloggers.
They are doing things in the way they are doing them for a reason.
You have to pay super close attention to every single detail on a successful blog.
These bloggers put in a lot of work and also spend a lot of money to build a high converting blog site.
Why wouldn’t you follow exactly what they’re doing!??
Big newbie mistake.
It’s crazy to me to see so many new bloggers overlook this simple piece of advice.
I often check out new blogs and most of them look awful, disorganized, cluttered, and just not pleasant to the eye.
I also see these same bloggers complain about their blog not doing well and not being able to get the desired results when implementing all of these traffic generation tactics.
And I know for a fact that most of these new bloggers are following the successful bloggers and visit their blogs but do not seem to get this simple tip.
They don’t take the time to think this way.
How your blog looks and how everything is put together matters a lot.
This can make or break your blog.
If you haven’t been able to convert much of your current blog’s traffic into subscribers, and you have been wondering why … now you do know why!
Your blog’s design and user-experience suck!
People go to your blog and leave quickly.
Some might not leave quickly. If the content is epic and super valuable, they would stay for a bit and read the whole article. But, if they leave without taking any action on your blog, what was the point of that interaction?
You want to make sure every single one of your new visitors has a great experience on your blog.
You need to have a clear goal for your blog’s growth. And building a list of loyal subscribers is a huge part of this growth.
Yes, you do want to truly help people in your niche. I have a big passion for helping others as much as possible. But, I also understand that bills are not going to pay themselves, so I have to make money for my help.
Become a smart blogger.
Understand the psychology that goes behind the UX (user-experience) of a blog site.
This is what will help you benefit from your blog’s traffic as much as possible.
Working on your blog’s conversion rates is easier than working on getting more targeted traffic.
Think about this for a minute ….
Your blog is converting visitors into subscribers at 5%. So, if you are getting 100 visitors a day – that means you get 5 new subscribers every day.
If you want to increase the number of daily subscribers, you can either work on driving more targeted traffic, or you can work on converting more people (out of the 100) into new subscribers.
This is not rocket science.
You should understand the metrics here very well.
What I did to increase my blog’s conversion rates
I copied the successful bloggers.
I looked at every single detail on their blogs and understood the simple fact that these guys spend a lot of money on the user-experience and the conversion rates of their blog.
I educated myself on the subject. I understood the obvious; to build a blog just like the ones the successful bloggers have built.
I’ve published a valuable post on this topic a while ago.
I highly recommend you to read this; Here’s How You Can Borrow $25,100 from Derek Halpern
Every single detail matters on your blog.
It is very important that you study the psychology of the internet user.
How your blog is organized, and the colors you use and how you use these colors matter.
Here is helpful data on colors.
Understanding the real power of colors will help you become a better blogger and internet marketer.
Here is an interesting video that shows you how color is used to express emotions in general.
What an intense video, right!
It’s clear the fact that colors have a profound effect on us.
As a blogger and internet marketer, you should take advantage of this when building your blog and creating your content.
Here is more helpful data for you.
The colors you use and how you use them for better contrast on your blog’s design are very important.
I hope you get this very well by now. :)
Here’s what I would recommend
Test several colors.
At the end of the day, is all about testing, tracking data, and tweaking to learn what works best for you and your audience.
If you have a web designer, make sure they understand this very well. Ask them about the blog conversions and give them your input on how you want your blog to look like, don’t just leave it up to them. Educate yourself on this subject and implement.
Avoid color overload.
You should be using white as your core color, then build from there. Don’t use too many colors simultaneously. You don’t want to overwhelm your visitor’s eyes with a rainbow. This can be not pleasant to the eye and people will leave your site as soon as the land there.
Now that you understand the importance of colors on your blog site, the next step would be to work on the structure and organization.
If you pay close attention to the successful bloggers in the internet marketing niche, and how they have built their blogs, you will notice how clean and seamless everything is on their site.
Let’s take a quick look at how some of these blogs look like. Pay close attention to how their blog is set up.
Derek Halpern from
Jon Morrow from
Neil Patel from
Do you see the pattern of simplicity and the use of the right color contrast on these blogs?
They don’t look like that by accident.
There is a science behind every successful blog’s design and structure.
You want people to read your entire content and most importantly take action.
Now let’s take a quick look at other blogs.
As you can see with your own big eyes, the organization and structure of these new blogs are not the best. They have way too many things going on in the main menu and also on the page.
You would lose a lot of your new traffic right away and your rankings would drop tremendously over time – with such blog structure.
The longer people stay on your page, the more chances you have for them to take some sort of action (subscribing, leaving a comment, sharing, etc.).
This would also help your bounce rate.
A good bounce rate equals better search engine rankings. And that means more organic traffic.
Bounce rate is a simple metric to understand how good a website is and the content of it.
The Google search engine uses this metric as a ranking factor.
Think about this ….
If Google ranks one of your blog posts on the first page of the search results, but after a while, it realizes people are clicking on your blog post but then leave 20 seconds after landing on the page, why would they want to keep your page in the search results?
It doesn’t make any sense to these search engines to give high rankings to a page where most people leave as soon as they visit.
The search engine’s job is to provide the user with what they are looking for. So, a bad user experience on your blog means lower rankings.
As a blogger, I have to be super clear on what exactly I want my visitors to do.
I want them to pay full attention to my content, then share it online, engage with a comment, and finally become a loyal subscriber.
This is why I don’t use any sidebars on my blog posts. I used to, though.
When I took out the sidebar I noticed my bounce rate going down (which is a good thing) and my conversion rates going up.
There are no distractions while reading this blog post, except the menu bar.
Keep your menu clean and organized.
Don’t overwhelm your visitors with too many options.
Sometimes, I come across new blogs with more than 15 menu items in their main menu.
The more choices you give someone, the more you are discouraging them to choose. This is a proven fact in human psychology.
Keep the most important pages and links on your main menu – keep it to a minimum. And if you have more, place them in a footer menu (at the bottom of your page).
Less is more.
The Jam Experiment
Hick’s Law
Hick’s Law describes that the time it takes for a person to make a decision depends on the choices available to him or her. So, if the number of choices increases, the time to make a decision increases logarithmically.
You want to become a pro blogger, right?
Well, you need to understand all of this very well.
Now you know that giving your visitors fewer options can increase your conversion rates.
Put this to work.
Wrapping it up
When you are building your niche blog consider every single detail. Colors, contrast, menu structure, font style, and size, etc.
Take the time to educate yourself on conversions and user psychology. Implement and make sure to track everything so you can learn what is working best.
Also, remember to optimize your blog for email marketing. Building your own email list is crucial to your success as a blogger. I’m going to talk more about email marketing optimization in future blog posts, so you want to subscribe for blog updates to keep on learning.
What are your thoughts on this?
If you have any questions or would like to add more tips on conversion here, please leave them in the comments section below.
Thank you so much for coming by.
This Is What You Need To Know If You Want To Become A Pro Blogger! by Freddy G. C.
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Pinned this post for future reference! Great idea to follow and learn from those in your niche who are successful and to implement similar designs and marketing tactics.
Hey Lisa!
I’m super glad this is helpful information to you! :)
This is smart blogging, that’s for sure!
Keep up the great work!
THank you so much for passing by!
Best regards! :D
Hey Freedy
such an amazing post i really appreciate your time for this post , you have nicely done everything in this post for become pro bloggers
Thank you freedy for sharing this article
Hey Nichy!
I’m glad to hear that!
Thank you so much for coming by!
I super appreciate ya!
Best regards! :D
This took my half hour to read but if i talk about this article. this is really speechless. you have shared this in very interesting way. you always write about good topics and cover each and everything. this is also e way to call your visitor back to your blog :)
Thanks Freddy
Hey Divya!
This is a long blog post, that’s for sure!
I always do my best to deliver the best value to the niche audience!
I’m super happy to hear this from you!
Thank you so much for visiting! :)
Best regards! :D
Hey Freddy,
Nice to hear that you’re going to start another YouTube channel. I am actually taking a small break with mine so I can focus on a project.
I love creating videos, but the truth is that my YouTube channel wasn’t really driving a lot of traffic. Although, since I taken a break, I’ve been getting more subscribers.
Eventually, I plan on getting back to creating videos, but right now, I just don’t have the time.
You’re right, Internet marketing is just a big learning curve. We test things and experiment with it, some things work and some things don’t.
We just have to keep trying until we get the results that we want. I have no doubt that you will do awesome with it this time as you know what you did the last time that caused your account to be locked.
I can’t wait to see your videos, I have no doubt that they will be extremely helpful.
Thanks for sharing these tips with us.
Have a great day :)
Hey Susan!
Breaks are good. And most of the time, necessary.
You gotta build such Youtube channels in a smart way.
Also, model after the ones making it happen!
Keep it up Susan!
Thank you so much for coming by!
Best regards! :D
This color information really is helpful, I used black and blue on my blog, May be I need to changed it..
Thanks Again
Hey Faizan!
I’m happy to hear that. This data is super helpful when you capitalize on it. Every single thing matters on your blog. Every single detail.
Keep on learning and implementing!
Thank you so much for passing by!
Best regards! :D
Thanks for this amazing post Freddy. I hope you will provide same amazing and useful contents to us..
Hey Mohsin!
You are very welcome! :)
Make sure you subscribe to blog updates to keep on learning!
Thank you so much for passing by!
Best regards! :D
I feel this is a great place to learn out new things. your topics are very interesting and i wont face any dull moments when i read your blog post. Keep up the good sharing.
Hey Austin!
I’m super happy to hear that!
There is a lot of valuable education here!
Thank you so much for coming by!
Best regards! :D
Less is more in a big league way Freddy. Gotta trim things sometimes to streamline your blog.
As for building a rocking blog and becoming a pro blogger I would just say; be all in. Your advice is golden. Then, aspiring pros, knowing the advice rocks, would commit 100% right now to becoming professional bloggers by following this advice on a daily basis. If it feels uncomfortable to do so, awesome; doing freeing but uncomfortable things daily is the tuition we pay to become pros.
Thanks for sharing!
Heyy Ryan!
Simplicity is the way to go for conversions on a blog. That is proven. Becoming a pro blogger is not rocket science and anyone with the right amount of ambition can make it happen. ;)
It all boils down to how bad you want to become a pro blogger and what you are willing to do to make that a reality.
Thank you so much for visiting man!
Best regards! :D
Hey Freddie,
Such a lovely and amazing blog, I appreciate your blog. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Anish!
I’m glad to hear that!
Thank you so much for coming by!
Best regards! :D
Hi Freddy,
Very informative post, it must have taken you a long time to write. I appreciate your efforts to list these tools. Personally, I use some of the above methods you given , lovely blog…. thanks
Hey Shanjid!
It took me a few hours to craft this helpful blog post. It is always well worth it!
These are the type of blog posts you should be publishing on your blog. In-depth and detailed education for the niche audience.
Thank you so much for coming by!
Best regards! :D
Nice Freddy nice post
Hey Aniket!
I’m happy to hear this!
Thank you so much for visiting!
Best regards! :D
Hey Freddy,
I am recently started my new website and it is very useful post for me.
So I request you to please check my website and tell me If you see any type mistake on my blog.
By the way, Thanks for the sharing amazing article with us.
Basit Ansari
Hey Basit!
I just checked out your blog site. It looks good. It’s clean and not cluttered. You just need to work more on your content.
I would recommend you to center your blog posts and use no sidebar. I would also recommend you to optimize your blog for email marketing. You want to start building your subscribers base right away.
Keep up the great work!
Thank you so much for passing by!
Best regards! :D
nice article for newbie bloggers
Hey Freedy,
Great article , Going to bookmark the site .
I really enjoy your writing, this article is easy to understand so help me and increase my knowledge about this.
I am already feeling like a pro blogger after reading your article.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you Sir.The information provided by you is awesome.
I am all time follower of yours and waiting for your next post
Keep the good work
Awesome! Its iin fact amazing article, I have got much clear idea on the topic of
from this article.
Hey Mohd!
That is awesome to hear! :)
Thank you so much for coming by!
Best regards!
Very informative and It was an awesome post. I love reading your fantastic content. Thanks for sharing it with us. We are so greatful to your sharing.
Hey Kenneth!
I’m so glad to read this! :)
It makes me happy to be able to help out as much as possible!
Thank you so much for coming by!
Best regards! :D
Hi, thank you for sharing your tips. Super informative article and helpful. I’ll definitely try new colors on my blog to make it more appealing.
Hey Vyvian!
You are very welcome! :)
I’m glad you are learning here!
Thank you so much for coming by and for your support!
Keep up the good work!
Best regards! :D
Hi Freddy,
Donna shared your article on her latest blog post. I had to come by to read the full post and I’m glad I did. :)
I totally agree with you about following the model of top bloggers. It’s obviously working for them so why wouldn’t we want to follow it, right?
I’m still trying to establish the right look for my new blog. From the charts you shared it looks like I have the right color for my target audience. What I’ll analyze next is the layout. I love an organized, clean blog. Too many links, ads and different colors is too busy for my eyes.
This was a great read Freddy! Thanks for putting this together.
Hi Freddy,
Another thoughtful post from you and who doesn’t want to become a professional blogger?
That being said, it’s not so easy to become a successful blogger in any industry without spending years in crafting your skills. Most people don’t succeed because they give up too early when the things go south. Persistence is the key here.
The more consistent you are with your content and marketing strategies, the more exposure you can bring to your websites. You also need to level up your skills and upgrade yourself to match with the new and emerging bloggers. So it’s all about your mindset.
Make sure to understand your target audience wants and needs because that’s what really matters when it comes to building a profitable blog that makes money in the long run and most people especially the beginners always forget the importance of defining their target audience and that’s why they fail to cater the right people with their content.
Thanks for the write up, keep rocking.