Last Updated on January 2, 2024 by Freddy G. C.

SECRET Facebook Marketing Strategy REVEALED.

Millions and millions of people are on Facebook Groups. Every single day. Every hour. Every minute.

If you are not using facebook groups for more traffic, you are missing out on a lot.

I’ve been able to get a good amount of targeted traffic from facebook groups, for free, for a long time now. And the strategy I implement still works.

I do have my own way of posting on facebook groups and my own hacks and tricks.

I’m going to show you how I do it, so you can learn how to get traffic from facebook groups and benefit as soon as possible.

Are you ready?

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups. Learn My Secret Strategy!

Let’s get started ….

Facebook Groups

Over the years of blogging and marketing online, I’ve learned many ways of driving traffic to a website. Some methods worked very well and some did not.

One thing that caught my attention right away, in the social media marketing arena, was facebook groups.

I saw facebook groups with thousands and hundreds of thousands of members.

So, I started to experiment with them.

I joined a bunch of facebook groups where I can post my websites and get some traffic, leads, and sales.

Here is the thing, though, when I first started promoting on facebook groups I was not doing it right.

And I did not get the results I was looking for.

Hold on there!
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But, I kept experimenting and brainstorming on how to truly benefit from facebook groups.

I knew there had to be some sort of smart way of promoting on facebook groups effectively.

After all, I kept seeing people promote in them, very consistently.

So I told myself ….

Facebook groups must really work for targeted traffic!

I just needed to find the right strategy that would work best for me.

I’ve learned that when it comes to driving traffic to any website you need the right strategy.

The right plan.

You also want to make sure you are as productive as possible when doing your online marketing.

I’ve talked about the power of organization and efficiency on this old blog post.

When you have everything well organized on your computer and internet browser, you will get things done quickly and effectively. I highly recommend you to take this little tip super seriously.

I’m going to teach you how to promote on facebook groups the right way so you get the results you are looking for.

The Strategy

It is a fact that when you post on multiple facebook groups some people will actually see your post.

So, the real challenge is not in getting new eyeballs to your facebook post, the real challenge is in getting people to actually click on the link that is in your facebook post.

Once I’ve realized this simple fact, I changed the way I promote on facebook groups.

Here is what I do and the concepts behind it.

First, I make sure I join a bunch of facebook groups within my niche, at least 100. And then I save the URLs in folders inside my internet browser’s toolbar.

Facebook Group Requirement

The end goal here is to get as much traffic as possible.

This is why it is important that you only join active facebook groups with thousands of members.

You want to see a lot of people posting in the facebook group daily.

Find facebook groups by doing a search like this.

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups - Using Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Use different keywords to find the facebook groups where you think most of your target audience is.

Facebook even tells you how active the group is!

Next ….

I organize these facebook groups in a set of folders.

I would put from 5 to 10 (but no more than 10) facebook groups in each group folder.

Here is what I mean.

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups. Learn My Secret Strategy!

Legendary Marketer by David Sharpe - Frequently Asked Questions

This will allow me to open a set of facebook groups all at once in my internet browser.

I know that there are social media tools that can help you with facebook groups posting, but I don’t trust those because facebook can easily report your posts as spam content. I’d rather do it my way!

How do you open a group of facebook groups all at once you ask?


Once you have your internet browser folders organized and with facebook groups, right-click (if using a windows pc) on a group folder and select ‘Open all’. This will open all of the facebook groups in that folder in your browser right away.

It should be the same steps for any internet browser (whether you’re using google chrome, mozilla firefox, etc.).

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups. Learn My Secret Strategy!

Once all of the facebook groups are open, you can go to each one and craft your facebook post ads.

I would create a bunch of different facebook ads all at once and then just copy & paste them randomly.

Post on about 20 groups consecutively – waiting a few minutes between each new post.

Super important …

Take a long break before posting to about 20 groups again. I would sometimes wait up to 45 minutes before batch posting again.

Reason: Posting way too often can get you in trouble with facebook. Nothing really bad would happen to your account, so don’t be afraid. They’ll just make you wait hours or days before you can post on facebook groups again.

You don’t want to get a message like this.

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups - Using Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Website

The amount of time you should wait between each batch posting – will depend on how many facebook groups you are posting on consecutively, and also how you are posting.

Also, I would try to promote on these facebook groups every other day. To avoid getting in any trouble with facebook.

It’s very important that you know this!

Another factor that matters, to avoid getting in trouble with facebook groups, is the Relevancy of your post to the group. You don’t want to promote a blog post on social media marketing inside a health related facebook group. It’s just spammy and facebook will punish you for that!

Also, I would highly recommend you to post different messages in your facebook post.

You want facebook to notice that you are not just copying & pasting left and right the same exact post for just quick traffic (you are doing that a little bit, yes it’s true, but you are also mixing it up with different messages), and you are actually genuinely wanting to help the people in the facebook goup.

Experiment with the timing and different facebook posts.

I would highly recommend you to wait at least 2 to 5 minutes between posting on each group.

Mix it up!

You definitely can’t just copy and paste the same exact facebook post over and over again. This can get you blocked from posting on groups for a while.

I’d recommend crafting 3 to 5 (or more) different facebook post ads to promote. This is also another great way to stand out from the crowd.

One thing that you might not have really thought about before, is the fact that you probably have a bunch of super valuable blog posts that you can always promote.

With this facebook marketing strategy you can always be promoting your blog posts. And actually, running your own blog online will give you the opportunity to always have something fresh to promote.

You will stand out right away. And you will be able to build up an audience for your blog – fairly fast.

That’s the beautiful thing about this facebook groups marketing strategy and blogging.

I highly recommend you to build your own blog, if you haven’t yet.

Promote about 5 (or more) different blog posts when you do batch posting on facebook groups!

This should help you avoid getting in trouble with facebook groups.

I’m sharing with you what has been working for me, so far. Feel free to take my advice here and experiment yourself with different variations.

If you promote on facebook groups like this consistently you will get traffic. No doubt about it.

Now, it is super important that you work on your Facebook Post for these groups.

What you offer to the people in these facebook groups is what matters the most.

Your Facebook Post for Groups

The first thing you need to work on is the way facebook will read your Link/URL.

You want to make sure your web page (the one you are promoting) has an attractive and clear Thumbnail Image, and good copy for the description to make people want to learn more.

Here is what I mean.

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups - Using Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Website

As you can see, my blog post link has an attractive thumbnail image, a good title, and a good description.

Facebook pulls this information from your URL.

If you need help with this, I highly recommend you to use the Facebook Debugger Tool.

This tool, provided by facebook, will show you how your URL looks on a facebook post and tell you what you need to work on.

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups - Using Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Here is some of the data you can see for your URL from Facebook.

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups - Using Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Make sure your link looks good on facebook!

This is such an important part of this strategy.

You need to attach a thumbnail image to your link.

The recommended size is 1200 x 630 pixels.

I use Photoshop to create my images. If you don’t have photoshop, you can use image editors online such as Canva and Pixlr.

If you are using the WordPress Platform I highly recommend you to install the Yoast SEO Plugin. It is one of the best free SEO plugins, in my opinion.

It has a feature to help you control how your link will look like on facebook.

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups - Using Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Website

This SEO Plugin is very helpful!

I highly recommend you to test differnet types of images and styles to go with what you are promoting.

The next thing to work on is the Copy / Message of your facebook post.

This is the other super important part of your facebook post that you want to work on, test, track, tweak, and improve.

Personally, I like using this strategy to promote my best blog posts.

Don’t get me wrong, I also like to promote my lead magnets. Like this one right here.

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups - Using Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Let me just say that I like to promote both, my most epic blog posts and my best lead magnets.

These two type of facebook posts work well with the people in these facebook groups.

But here is an interesting thought …..

If your blog post is well-optimized to capture leads (as it always should be), it can actually act as your Squeeze Page / Capture Page.

Why would you want to promote your best blog posts instead of your offers in these facebook groups?

The answer is simple, because not a lot of people are actually doing this.

So, you will stand out right away!

While everyone else is slamming their affiliate and network marketing offers to each other … …..

You are leading with Real VALUE!

People see your post and notice that you are actually there to give them helpful information and tips.

Think about this for a moment ….

Your blog post is delivering real value to the targeted visitor, they really enjoy your information, see a lead magnet they’re interested in …. and BOOOM!! … you got a new subscriber!

This is the reason WHY I like to promote my best blog posts in such facebook groups. I get a lot of traffic everytime I do it and the more I do it.

Now …

The key, to getting people to actually click to learn more, is in the Copy Write and Quality of your Content.

If you wouldn’t click on the link in your facebook post, why would anyone else want to?

Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience!

EVERYTHING has to look super good!

The message in the description box, the title and description of your link, and the thumbnail image.


It is important that you track the hits to your link, analyze the titles you are using, test different thumbnail images, and work on the way you convey your message to your target audience.

Doing this will help you learn what works best and what doesn’t, over time.

Make sure your blog post has great value to your target audience.

If your blog posts are generic and don’t solve specific problems in your niche, this strategy won’t work well for you.

Lead with REAL VALUE and the rest will fall into place naturally.

Best times to post on Facebook

I’ve done my research to learn the best times to post on facebook in the USA.

What you want to do is take a good look at all of this data and plan your facebook groups posting accordingly. Remember to track everything so you begin to learn what works best for you.

Here are some statistics to help you out.

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Let’s do a quick recap of my facebook groups marketing strategy here.

Here is the plan in a simple image.

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups - Using Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Spend about an hour (or however long you want) promoting on facebook groups the way I’m teaching you here, and watch your traffic grow.

Remember: You want to promote 3 to 5 (or more) different epic blog posts each time.

This facebook marketing strategy is simple. Anyone can implement this and start getting traffic fast.

But you have to add this strategy to your marketing routine.

It is the consistency of the necessary actions that will get you the results.

If you don’t work, this won’t work. As simple as that my friend.

Over to you

What are your thoughts on this marketing strategy?

Are you promoting on facebook groups? Can you share you experiences and results, so far? I’d love to hear from you and any additional tips or questions that you might have!

Spread the love

If you know someone who could benefit from this information please share it with them. I really appreciate all of your support.

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups. Learn My Secret Strategy!

How to Get Traffic from Facebook Groups - Using Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Website by

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